This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How good about your body are you willing to feel?

It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. I’ve still been thinking of you, though, and to explain, I’ve been productive in ways other than writing emails.

Part of what I’ve been up to is playing a lot more music, specifically singing folk music, playing 3 stringed instruments, and hand percussion. 

I’ve been taking dance lessons, and dancing socially at a variety of New York City parties, where people are devoted to setting the aside the stress of life, being in their bodies, and finding their unique groove on the dance floor. It’s been really fun and fulfilling.

Plus, I’m newlywed to a Viking musician from Switzerland, so without going away on a honeymoon, let’s say there’s been a lot of honeymoon-type behavior in our home. A stay-cation. Also, very pleasurable. 

I mention this because the formula that has led me to these fulfilling, peak experiences, is the same one that first helped me lose weight and find balance with food and movement. 

It’s the same formula that I’m excited to share with you, because it can work for you too, no matter how long you’ve felt disconnected from your body. 

The reason I’m passionate to teach about Pleasurable Weight Loss and Unshakeable Body Confidence is because I know how painful it is to suffer with binge eating, compulsive eating, and emotional over-eating. I know what it feels like to be in pure disgust with my body, and never in delight.

I spent 10 years this way. And fortunately, I also know what it’s like to make it to the other side of the pain, and to return to a natural state of wholeness with the body.

When I finally discovered the feminine approach to all of this, everything changed.

My mindset changed. My body changed. My existence changed. 

And that’s what I want to share with you in my upcoming free masterclass called Slim & Sexy Forever: Avoid 3 Dangerous Mistakes Most Women Make That Totally Sabotage Their Weight Loss…(& it’s NOT what you think!)

If you’re struggling with feeling unattractive, out of sync with your body goals, and at war with food, then I’d love to help you. 

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In this free masterclass I’ll show you:

How to free yourself from insecurities about your female body, and feel centered in self-love and self-approval, so that you can better and better about yourself, without limitation.

How to overcome shame about your body, or your relationship with food or sex, and feeling like you’re never “enough,” and instead feel deeply satisfied and fulfilled in both areas, including how you look and feel.

How to become a woman who lives an extraordinary life on your own terms, turned on, and in love and at peace with her female body, blazing the trail of her choosing.

How to live a rich and satisfying life, every single day of your existence, in which you feel connected to your natural wildness and freedom, while feeling as slim and sexy as you could possibly desire.

Join me for this upcoming webinar: “Slim & Sexy Forever: Avoid 3 Dangerous Mistakes Most Women Make That Totally Sabotage Their Weight Loss… (it’s NOT what you think!)”

I’ll be sharing my best tips and tricks and what’s most effective in order for you to have the experience of your body that you want.

With love,
Jena la Flamme
P.S. In this process I’ll be asking you the question, “How good about your body are you willing to feel?” Often we say we want to feel excellent, but deep down we also hold a lot of resistance against things being that good or that easy. Join me for this free masterclass when I’ll show you how to overcome these self-created limitations so that you can feel as slim and sexy as you want, at any age.
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1 Comment

  1. Hi Jena,

    I saw your interview with Alexis and I tried to get the 7-day download for Love Your Body! However, It will not work. Is there anyway you could possibly send me a link?

    Congratulations to you and your beautiful new marriage!!!!

    Best Blessings,

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