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What’s Your Pleasure Personality? Take this Quiz to Find Out

Webster defines pleasure as, “a state of sensual gratification; frivolous amusement.” 

And although I agree with the first part of this definition, the second part is blatantly incorrect and a complete falsehood.

Although widely misunderstood, far from frivolous, pleasure is a powerful evolutionary impulse that informs, inspires and strengthens every life form, from the simplest amoeba to the most civilized urban woman.  It also helps your female body relax, and perform it’s built-in slimming functions at it’s highest levels.

Today’s quiz will help you figure out how you personally relate to pleasure. Do you rock it full time, or is it just a passing thought for you?

Keep a pencil handy to score your answers below.

What’s Your Pleasure Personality?

Choose the best response to the questions below.

1. The pleasurable path to slimming down requires you to shift your entire lifestyle towards the things that        add to your enjoyment of life. An important part of this shift is gradually releasing __________ and embracing ____________.

a) Highly processed food; Food that comes directly from nature. (10 points)

b) Boring, punishing exercises, pleasurable movement. (10 points)

c) Self-loathing; self-appreciation. (20 points)

d) All of the above. (40 points)

2. It’s Friday night and you’re hanging out with a close-knit group of your dearest girlfriends. Suddenly, one of them begins to complain about her body and criticize her looks. What do you do?

a) Allow her to continue gabbing away about what she thinks is “wrong” with her body.  Sympathetically chime in with a few self-criticisms of your own body. (5 points)

b) Silently recognize that self-criticism is an unhealthy epidemic that many women are facing today, and hold space for her during her rant. Promise yourself to not do the same thing, since chronic self-criticism puts your body in a stressed state, and this packs on the pounds. (10 points)

c) Openly tell your pals that every woman’s body is an expression of Mother Nature’s genius and creativity, and needs to be honored as such. Let your friend know that there’s nothing wrong with her brilliant female body, and that there’s plenty that’s lovable about her. Get your gal pals on board to foster an environment of mutual praise and celebration. (30 points)

3. It’s Friday afternoon and you have just come home from a long day at the office. When you arrive at your doorstep, you find a beautifully wrapped slice of freshly baked chocolate cake, as a gift from your neighbor. You’ve already dropped 5 pounds, and there’s nothing remotely slimming about this cake. What should you do?

a) Dunk the cake in the garbage disposal and vow to never even look at cake again. You know that sugar is not a good idea when you’re trying to slim down here! (5 points)

b) Give the cake to your dog, so at least somebody can enjoy the cake. (10 points)

c) Sit and stress about whether or not to eat the cake. Then, guzzle the cake down quickly, full of guilt, while promising yourself to join a gym and get a ferocious personal trainer the very next day. (5 points)

d) Calmly ask your body, your female animal, if she would like to eat some cake. If the answer’s yes, you can take the cake to your kitchen, place it on a beautiful dish and slowly, sensually and gratefully consume precisely the amount of cake your body desires. (30 points)

4. Nature designed you to be an erotic creature – it’s an innocent, healthy and wonderful part of your womanhood. Since feeling sexy is so important to fostering a metabolic environment that supports slimming down, the perfect time to feel sexy, feminine and desirable is _________.

a) As soon as you release 10 pounds. You can look forward to this by shopping for lingerie in the size you want to be, and daydreaming about sensual activities you’ll enjoy once you’re at your ideal size and shape. (5 points)

b) When you’re with your partner. After all, he or she is very good at turning you on, and it’s easier to place your sensual gratification in their hands. (5 points)

c) Once you start taking those Samba dancing classes. You’ll definitely rouse your circulation then, and it’ll be so sexy to wear delicious bits of flashy clothing and feathers in fun places. (10 points)

d) Right now. There’s no time like the present to reclaim your eroticism, and enjoy it as a natural part of your feminine existence. There’s no set recipe for feeling sexy, and you can create your own recipe for it as you reconnect to it, in a gradual, unhurried way. (30 points)

25 – 40 points: Pleasure Minimalist

For now, it looks like your pleasure personality is that of a pleasure minimalist. This doesn’t mean you’re a hopeless case though – it simply means you are at the very beginning of your Pleasurable Weight Loss journey.

To improve your pleasure mojo, team up with a sister or community of women who are working on juicing up their personal enjoyment and fun. They’ll inspire you to shift your lifestyle towards pleasure, so you can reclaim the feelings of relaxation, sensuality and fulfillment that are rightfully yours.

Also, begin to be presentreally present. Start taking deep breaths before every meal, tune into your feelings as often as you can and become increasingly observant of your reactions to challenges in life. With observation and presence, you can begin to transform every instant into an opportunity for feeling good.

Consistent feelings of well-being put your body in a relaxation state – which triggers your body’s built-in slimming functions. Allow yourself to be more curious about what feels good to you. Oodles of pleasure await you.

45 – 80 Points: Under Pleasurable Construction

Keep your hard hat on – you’re under pleasurable construction. This means that while you haven’t mastered the art of pleasure yet, you’re well on your way to doing so.

If you were unsure of whether you should eat that piece of chocolate cake, consider a very important Pleasurable Weight Loss principle: tuning into your body wisdom. When you take a moment to listen for your female body’s feedback, you’ll find that she’ll guide you towards the right decision, in every dining opportunity.

When you’re under pleasurable construction, feelings of guilt will pop up for you every now and then. You’ll ask yourself questions like, “Was it okay for me to eat that cake that night?” “What will my _______ say about my choosing to take a weekend just for myself?” “Who am I to release this toxic job/relationship/living situation? What’ll happen when I do?”

Unknown pleasurable possibilities are frightening, but they’re also deeply exciting. They invite you to step into a bigger version of your life, one that is guided by positive pleasures, life-affirming enjoyment and self-trust.

Keep your ears tipped towards your body and her messages – remember she is a highly evolved, living, breathing, wise creature, who can always give you the feedback you need about what to eat, what to do and how you are feeling about anything in your life.

85 – 130 Points: Pleasure Queen

All hail, you’re a pleasure queen! Or maybe you’re still a pleasure princess who’s been doing some magnificently pleasurable work. Regardless, you chose the best possible answers, and your body is already on her way to slimming down naturally, and permanently, whether you’ve noticed it or not.

When you’re a pleasure queen, you realize you’re the one who’s in charge of your own life. You take accountability for your choices, whether they’re related to eating, exercising, socializing and/or resting, and you are powerfully aware that every aspect of your life can either promote or hamper your slimming. 

You, as pleasure queen, are an inspiration to women everywhere, since you’re reclaiming your birthright of feeling wonderful, and are at peace with the rightness of seeking pleasure.

Keep blazing the way, sister. Remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself along your journey, and continue to prioritize your self care, self understanding and sensual enjoyment.

Good job, lovely. You’ve completed the quiz. Tell me:

  1. Which result were you? Did you agree with your score, or think you fit into another category?
  2. Do you personally know any pleasure queens? Name one or two examples (you can mention yourself if you like), and describe what it is about her that’s particularly pleasure-loving.

Once you’re done typing up your comments, send this quiz over to a friend who needs to get her pleasure – and slimming – going in the right direction.

With never-ceasing love,
xo Jena

P.S. What’s the special sauce every pleasure queen uses to slim down? Community.

You have the opportunity to be closely supported by the Pleasurable Weight Loss community where ever you are, in Pleasure Circle.

Pleasure Circle is a virtual group program that’s a gift for your feminine essence. It’ll help you take charge of your weight goals, and your life, with my one-on-one support in the group setting.

Learn to understand and use your feminine power to slim down, and accomplish anything you desire, at Pleasure Circle.




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  1. Love the quiz! I am right on the verge of being a Pleasure Queen, so I am definitely heading in the right direction. Feeling naturally erotic and sexy is still a bit of a challenge for me, but I know I have grown immensely even in the last year or so. More fun to come 🙂 (pun very much intended).

  2. Here’s the thing, I know all the answers, it’s just a matter of doing it. Like, if I’m being honest, I feel the most sexy when I’m wearing something sexy and I’m with my partner, instead of just feeling sexy and turned on all the time.

    And the cake thing, my mind is made up that I do not want to eat cake because I want to take really good care of my body. So, I would give it away to someone who would enjoy it.

    All that said, I know that I’m missing pleasure in my life. My real struggle is figuring out what that pleasure is. I know things that I’m happy doing, but what brings me real PLEASURE? That’s a tougher question.

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