The key to losing weight is not about enjoying less, it’s about enjoying more. This revolutionary insight has allowed thousands of students to lose weight without boring food plans, arduous rules, or punishing exercise. Why does it work? Because pleasure is the secret to switching off the stress triggers that are the real culprit behind emotional eating and weight gain. How you feel about your body and how you relate with pleasure matters more than what you eat when it comes to successful, sustainable weight loss.
With Pleasurable Weight Loss, invite yourself to discover to a graceful, feminine way of attaining the body of your dreams. This is a comprehensive, life-changing approach that starts with helping you relax, build self-esteem, and develop a sense of joy and trust in your body. Filled with inspiration, recipes, and practical guidance for women of all ages and body types, this is a powerful guide for transforming your relationship with food and exercise – a natural, enjoyable, and lasting path for looking and feeling your best.
In this book you will discover a graceful way to feel great in your body, including:
How to let go of guilt about pleasure and why pleasure is a trustworthy and intelligent guiding force in your life.
How to access your body’s wisdom- embracing your animal nature and turning your instincts and cravings into allies
How to feel safe being sexy, untangling the social and psychological issues of body image so you can feel good while looking your best
How to put in place the ideal conditions for weight loss with your food choices, thoughts, friends and lifestyle
Every woman wants to feel great in her skin, eat whatever she wants and experience pleasure in myriad forms in her
life. She wants to have nourishing relationships, great sex and the support of a sisterhood that has her back. That’s what
Pleasurable Weight Loss can do for you. It will change your relationship with food, with pleasure and with being a woman,
and by doing so will transform your body and your life.
Jena la Flamme is an award-winning expert in pleasurable weight loss who has devoted her life to showing women around the world how to lose weight, feel at peace with food, trust the innate wisdom of their bodies, and love the skin they’re in.
Her unique approach to weight loss has made her a much sought-after teacher. She has been featured in Elle, Glamour, and Prevention magazine.

Bonus #1: Secrets of Pleasurable Style Guide PDF
The Secrets of Pleasurable Style Guide will show you how to have more pleasure in your life immediately by learning how to dress for your shape. Simply dressing in a way that flatters your body can make you look ten pounds lighter in an instant. Discover your personal style, the wardrobe essentials every woman needs to feel great in her body, and many other secrets of pleasurable style.
Bonus #2 Learn to Trust Your Female Body Meditation MP3
A guided meditation that will help you integrate the teachings of the book into your daily life, supporting you to shift your relationships with your female body, eating and pleasure. An instant access downloadable MP3 file you can take with you wherever you go.
Bonus #3 Instant Access to Chapter One PDF of Book
Embracing the Wisdom of Your Female Animal
Learn a game changing strategy that will activate an intimate relationship with your body as a wise female animal. You’ll now have a powerful tool that unlocks your basic instinct of knowing what you need to eat in the exact amounts your body needs — eliminating the struggle of discipline, willpower, overeating, binging or emotional eating.
Praise for Pleasurable Weight Loss
“How can weight loss be pleasurable? You’ve got to be kidding, right? No—not kidding. In fact, the entire solution to sustain- able body confidence and permanent weight loss is pleasure.And this book outlines the path. Delightfully.”CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP, MD
Bestselling author of Women’s Bodies,Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
“Women are hungry for creative new approaches to weight loss. Through ten years of coaching, Jena la Flamme has devised a unique and pleasurable approach to a topic often filled with pain and suffering.”JOSHUA ROSENTHAL
Founder of Institute for Integrative Nutrition and author of Integrative Nutrition: Integrative Nutrition: FeedYour Hunger for Health and Happiness
“What Jena is teaching is revolutionary in the weight loss industry. Geneen Roth’s Women Food and God and Marianne Williamson’s A Course in Weight Loss are part of this paradigm — Jena is right there with them, leading the pleasure tribe.This is a methodology and a ministry—it’s about time.”DANIELLE LAPORTE
Author of The Fire Starter Sessions and The Desire Map
“Jena la Flamme is at the leading edge of a new era in weight loss for women. She takes a powerful stand for us to enjoy food, enjoy our bodies to become healthy and vibrantly alive in the process. If you want to enjoy the skin you’re in and get the body you’ve always wanted, look no further. Jena will guide you every pleasurable step of the way.”MARIE FORLEO
Creator of Marie TV
“The Secrets of Pleasurable Weight Loss not only offers a path for weight loss from a gifted weight-loss coach—in the process of coaching us on weight loss, she is a brilliant activator of joy, well-being, and—above all—pleasure. She is an original genius at transforming this challenging subject into a new way of life for us all. I highly recommend it.”BARBARA MARX HUBBARD
Founder of Foundation for Conscious Evolution
“Jena’s brilliant approach to weight loss is as powerful as it is practical. It tosses aside the ideas of shame, diet, and deprivation and instead embraces a more gentle, sympathetic, and loving relationship between yourself and your body. I recommend her teachings and her approach to many of my clients, as she deliver sexcellent results.”JON GABRIEL
Bestselling author of The Gabriel Method:The Revolutionary Diet-FreeWay to Totally Transform Your Body
“Jena la Flamme offers a practical and sexy path to transform our relationship to food, to reclaim trust in our cravings, to connect to the love within us, and to remember that our body is our sacred chance to be here.”MEGGAN WATTERSON
Author of REVEAL:A Sacred Manual For Getting Spiritually Naked
“Pleasurable Weight Loss is revolutionary and this book will inspire you to give yourself exactly what you need to have the body and life you want.”ALEXANDRA JAMIESON
Gourmet healthy chef and author of The Great American Detox Diet
“Jena teaches women that there’s no reason to wait until you’re thin to start feeling happy or sexy. In this book, she shows you how connecting with what makes you happy is the secret to losing weight and keeping it off. I couldn’t agree more.”MARCI SHIMOFF
Bestselling author of Happy for No Reason
“Hormone balance is the key to sustainable weight loss and in this revolutionary book, Jena la Flamme shows us how inviting pleasure into our lives—and freeing ourselves from the guilt we’ve been conditioned to associate with pleasure—is the recipe to recreate hormonal balance. Read this book. Your body will thank you.”SARA GOTTFRIED, MD
Bestselling author of The Hormone Cure
“This book rocked my world! I received an absolutely critical piece in the body/mind/spirit puzzle from this book that had previously been missing and I’m so grateful.”KATE NORTHRUP
Author of Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want
“Never before has anyone made losing weight more enjoyable! Jena offers fun, simple-to-understand advice that makes reaching your goals exciting and attainable. She truly helps you build the self-esteem you need in order to fully love yourself and to achieve real, lasting results!”CYNTHIA PASQUELLA, CCN
Author of PINK Method and Hungry Hottie Cookbook
“Pleasurable Weight Loss is a gem of a book. It’s a game changer because it gives us a whole new way to embrace the weight loss journey. The days of punishing diets and offending the body in the name of shedding pounds are over. Pleasure is in, it’s here to stay, and it has a wisdom to it that inhabits the deepest level of our DNA. Jena la Flamme skillfully invites us into a direct experience of the metabolic power of pleasure. She’s crafted a book filled with great insights, beautiful inspirations, pleasurable strategies, and new way and playful way to nourish the body.”MARC DAVID
Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and author of the Slow Down Diet
“I lost 40 pounds applying Jena’s approach, which is step-by- step oriented and concrete, yet invites self-exploration and subtle changes. I’ve found that the more I am able to exercise my femininity, the more the overeating has just fallen away. I realized that my weight gain wasn’t about a lack of will power (as most other diets would say) and it wasn’t about a lack of self-control. It was about me filling a void inside of myself. When I was able to fill that void with other ways that were so much more nourishing than a bag of potato chips, I didn’t need to overeat to keep myself afloat.”SARAH JENKS
Founder of Live More Weigh Less
“This book is a life-changer! Once you’ve discovered her holistic approach to Pleasurable Weight Loss, you’ll never go back!”ROSE COLE
Transformational guide and author of High Priestess Training
“Jena is a gifted teacher who speaks from her own personal vulnerability and truth.With her power to tap inside a woman’s inner world, Jena will guide you to awaken the power inside of you to show you the way to freedom. Through Jena’s work, not only will women lose weight, they will also release years (or a lifetime) of shame.”ANDRÉA ALBRIGHT
Author of Thin in 30 Minutes
“This is a wonderful book and a game-changing read for anyone who struggles with her weight . . . full of great concepts and tips and written in a simple, approachable way. Jena shows us that by feeling good on the inside, we can make beautiful changes on the outside.This is a deeply refreshing and important book that can change your body and your life—in the most pleasurable way possible.”RENEE STEPHENS
Author of Full-Filled: The 6 Week Weight-Loss Plan for Changing Your Relationship with Food — and Your Life — from the Inside Out
“It’s refreshing to hear a perspective on eating that revolves around giving ourselves what we really need—enjoyment, aliveness, connection—rather than focusing on what we already have too much of in our life—restraint, control, and denial. Jena shows us that when connected to pleasure, your relationships with your body, food, and weight all become easy.”ISABEL FOXEN DUKE
Emotional eating expert and creator of Stop Fighting Food
“I used to feel guilty about feeling too good in my body, which had me hold onto weight—no matter how much I exercised or dieted.After reading Jena’s book and applying her work in my life, I feel the best I ever have in my body, while eating exactly as Ilove to, and moving my body with joy and love.”ALEXIS NEELY
Author and founder of Eyes Wide Open Life and New Law Business Model
“When a woman steps fully into her pleasure, she is freed to be the power that she is—this is a radical act of love. Jena La Flamme invites us into this freedom, this love, so that we can be fully here now. Follow her undulating steps to remember the divine, passionate, pleasurable woman you are.”ELAYNE KALILA DOUGHTY, MA, MFT
“Jena la Flamme’s work is turning the entire weight loss indus- try on its head. Her ideas are truly revolutionary, and they work. Yes, women lose weight, but they gain so much more. Her work guides women into true, radical love of themselves, their bodies, and their lives. I know—I am one of those women. I am so excited for every woman who gets her hands on this book. Herlife will—joyfully—never be the same.”KC BAKER
Founder of The Women’s Thought Leadership Society
“Jena la Flamme has exquisitely woven a clear path back into yourself and into your own radiant beauty by inviting you to reclaim your birthright of pleasure. Brilliant book, a must read for all women.”SAIDA DÉSILETS PHD
Author of The Emergence of the Sensual Woman