This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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Your Purpose in Life: Pleasure’s Little Known Secret Companion For Slimming Down With Ease

I know learning to take care of your body in a pleasurable, feminine way may seem like a huge undertaking.

And no matter where you’re at in making this mo’-new-MEN-TAL shift, I applaud your progress!

Every time I see a woman who is SO focused on her weight loss goal that the vast majority of her valuable and precious Energy, Time and Attention are entirely invested in just that ONE thing, I quietly cringe.

Meanwhile, a Pleasurista, a woman who is walking the Path of Pleasure, knows there’s a better way to accomplish her heart’s desires.

She’s not seduced by the promise of her life being better AFTER she slims down–she’s seduced by the ever-present possibility of it being pleasurable NOW.

So answer me, if you were to press “Pause” and “Zoom Out” on your fixation on weight loss, where else in your life could you be putting your exquisite Energy, Time and Attention?

I know you’re an out-of-the-box, intelligent, unique woman, who can come up with a LOT of fascinating, pleasurable (and sometimes delightfully naughty) ideas for directing your Life’s Energy…

As you discover which areas of life feel most deeply satisfying to you and deserving of your precious Energy, Time and Attention, you’ll uncover one of the little known secrets for simplifying slimming –your Purpose in life!

Your Purpose in Life: Pleasure’s Little Known Secret Companion For Slimming Down

Now you may be wondering, how will knowing my life Purpose make slimming down any simpler? Fabulous question–here’s why.

Getting connected to your Purpose in life may take enquiring to the depths of your soul, but it’s oh-so-worth the effort because once you and your Purpose are aligned, it puts your weight loss mission into a whole new light.

3 Reasons Knowing & Being Connected To Your Purpose In Life Helps You Slim Down

1)    Connecting with your Purpose is pleasurable!

Just like self-love and acceptance feel pleasurable, connecting with your purpose feels goooood. Like every other creature on earth, we’ve historically evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to actively pursue, and thrive on, pleasure. And ever since the Neolithic age, we have been exploring Purpose as part of our human experience.

When you feel the pleasure of being connected with your purpose flowing through your veins, over-eating and other self-destructive habits lose their charm and the power they once had over you.

2)    Being in touch with your Purpose puts you in a relaxation state

Relaxing into a meaningful Purpose puts you at ease in the world, which creates optimal metabolic conditions for fat-burning. (This is quite different from the stress state, which creates fat-storing physiological conditions.)

In sync with your Purpose you’ll feel less internal conflict tugging at your heart and mind, and you’ll feel empowered to more easily make choices that support your slimming process, helping your body shift towards its natural weight and shape more efficiently.

3)    Living your Purpose is an outrageously beautiful feeling.

When you’re connected with your Purpose you are able to refocus the excess energy that might have been fueling your weight loss woes, into easing your way towards a pleasurable, meaningful life.

Remember, the pleasurable weight loss approach never recommends pushing, shoving or bullying your brilliant body into losing weight. Rather, you enthusiastically coax, love up and work with shifting your body into the shape and size of your dreams. This feels good, and is long-lasting.

Voila! There you have it.
Purpose + Pleasure ->  Relaxation ->  Meaningful Action In The Direction of Your Desires -> Permanent Weight Loss

I’m not the only revolutionary thinker who believes every person has a Purpose, and that being connected to this Purpose makes achieving weight loss and healing easier. Modern-day geniuses like Dr. Christiane Northrup, Louise Hay, Oprah, and Marianne Williamson all frequently proclaim the same belief: Our lives have Purpose, and it is darn important!

So loveliness, you feel me? Your Purpose in life is way bigger than weight loss, and once you’re in touch with it, you have a huge metabolic advantage that no punishing diet can give you.

So tell me, what do you think your Purpose in life is? Maybe you know it exactly:
•    To be a teacher, a healer, a doctor, an artist.
•    To be a life coach, or a public speaker who encourages people.
•    To master wholesome cooking, and be a role model for healthy eating.
•    To empower teens to live and speak their truth.
•    To be a mom, and raise children with remarkable love.
•    To live with more and more love everyday, and to spread it to others.
•    To learn and grow as a person, mentally and emotionally.
•    To learn to love yourself, and thereby, inspire others to love themselves.
•    To start a pleasurable weight loss revolution (wink.)

Alternatively, maybe you have no idea what your Purpose is.
But rest assured, when you do find it, it will taste deeply satisfying–so start looking.

I’d like to hear from you in the comments below:
1.    Are you in touch with your Purpose?
2.    Can you see how becoming more aligned with your Purpose will help your weight loss journey?

With Purpose and Pleasure,
xo Jena

P.S. I know you know what I’m going to write about here, but I can’t stop myself! Pleasure Camp Omega is my happy button, and it’s just about 22 days away. Also, it’s got a Purpose: to empower your body, mind and life with the ideas and skills for losing weight in a natural, feminine, pleasurable (and permanent!) way.

From July 1 – 6, in Rhinebeck, NY, we’ll eat, move and connect in ways you may not even have dreamed of yet. We’ll enjoy face-to-face, heart-to-heart chats, in a nurturing space, within a community of women, and address the truth that you don’t need to punish yourself to slim down–you just need to have the right relationship with your body, and the right relationship with pleasure. I’m excited to show you how.

You deserve to invest in yourself. Registration is easy  –> Click here <-

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  1. Since coming across you through Renee Stephens’ podcasts, I’m completely letting go of the idea that I need to lose weight. Though I don’t yet know my purpose, I’m generating the space to explore what my purpose might be. Thanks for the invitation to drop the weight struggle altogether and trade it in for something much more interesting, fulfilling, and fun!

  2. Jena,
    I’m completely in agreement (to the extent that I can be without actually knowing my own purpose…) that if one is aligned with our purpose that issues like weight loss tend to take care of themselves. I seem to see this in those about me that have that spark of purpose – when their purpose is one of “doing” something in the world. Going a little further with this idea – it seems we often think of our purpose as creating something, making something, developing something in the world to …well, make it a better place. I am also coming to understand that humans may also be here to have experiences, to be. So our purpose might be to experience the spectrum of trust/distrust, or caring/not-caring, fame/anonymity or similar situations. And I don’t imagine that these kind of life purposes lend themselves as well to providing focus to let go of weight issues.

    Like I mentioned, I don’t know my life’s purpose, and it clearly isn’t from lack of exploration, focus, attention, energy or competent assistance. As a result of my need to know, some further soul searching and an inquiry to my Higher Self through guided meditation, I came to the understanding earlier this year that my path to living my purpose requires that I go through the healing of my weight issues. It is clear for me that dealing with weight-issues is not my life’s purpose (as it maybe for some), but it appears to be part of my journey to get there.

    So, for me, no more pushing ahead to discover/create my life’s purpose, but a dropping into what is here now, which is to understand my weight issues and the surrounding circumstances and attitudes that created them in order for me to heal this and from that place of greater wholeness, discover what is mine to do.

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