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5 Keys to Sculpting That Summer Body

by Natasha Linton

Natasha Linton

Summer is pretty much here and already people are hitting the beaches. Are you ready to do that? Are you ready to kick back on the beach, by the poolside, or at the park with little to no clothes on and not even think about how you look? You’ve still got some time to get that ready. Here’s how:


Start now. Don’t wait until the last weekend before your trip to the beach to start scrambling to get fit. Grab your workout DVDs, your gym class schedule and plan out when to fit these in your day. Also, try to avoid walking into the gym without a plan. This way you will be able to get in and get out without wondering what exercise to do next after each exercise. Without planning it will be difficult to get where you want to go. When you say you made poor eating choices today because you didn’t have the time to “eat good”, you did so because you failed to plan.

Eat Up

Instead of skipping meals to lose some weight enjoy 5-6 meals a day as recommended. A more beneficial way to lose weight rather than fad dieting too is to eat often and to eat lean. Again, this may take some planning, but really what doesn’t take planning? Tips to ensure you are snacking properly are to pack almonds, fruits, carrots, and peanut butter. By eating at least 5 times a day you will take charge of your energy levels and your body will reduce its need to store fat. Be sure to include nutrients such as fats (such as canola oil, olive oil), carbs for energy, and protein for muscle maintenance and repair. Requirements of these macronutrients depend on activity level.

Move a lot

Especially if you are one who sits most of the day, get up and move. Pick up a sport. Got muscles that you’d like to uncover? Keep active to help burn fat. Throw a workout DVD in the mix. Go bike riding, take a hike. You will notice a difference in your body that is aesthetically pleasing if you keep active.


For the results that you are looking for lift some weights. Yes ladies, you especially. Resistance training is key in weight loss and body sculpting no matter how much time you have to exercise. You can do cardio and lose weight, but imagine how much better your body and skin will look with the nice shape that will result from pumping some iron. The more lean muscle you have the more fat your body burns. This is a sure way to get rid of the flab under the arms, and legs. Perform some form or circuit training where you move from one exercise to the other during your workout with very little rest in between your exercises.

Keep Consistent

I always tell my clients not to expect a miracle or not to expect to see any results if they plan on working out only once a week. Try a min of 3 times per week or exercise. To ensure that you are getting in your exercises for the week you can pop a DVD in if you don’t have time to go to the gym. You can also take a jog around a few blocks, or consider some body weight exercises in your own home.

If you haven’t started getting beach body ready, start now. The sooner you start, the easier your body sculpting project will be.

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