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4 Ways to Connect with Your Female Body

We live in a culture that treats women as second class citizens to men, and our bodies as second to our minds. Minds are pure, and bodies are dirty… or so they say.

But the truth is, our bodies are the vehicles for our life force. Miraculously they keep us alive. Our flesh, our blood, our animal needs and desires, are not lowly, but sacred beyond measure.

Like animals in the wild, our bodies are wise and know how to eat and move to be their best.

So how do we connect with them when we’ve been systematically alienated from our animal wisdom for millennia?

Here’s 4 ways to connect with your female animal body that will have a ripple effect of helping your relationship with food, your weight and your body confidence.

#1. Invite Your Mind to be Quiet
In yoga, they call the mind a monkey, always jumping around, never still. The mind loves to chatter and believes its own stories as true. But they are often completely fabricated and far from reality! Practices that invite your mind to quiet down, whether they be watching birds in the park (a current favorite of mine,) meditation, singing, dancing, love-making, or anything else that inspires you, will all help. When your mind is quiet, the voice of your animal body gets louder and louder.

#2. Be Playful Like a Child
Plato says, “One can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation,” and the same goes for your body. You can discover more about your body in an hour of play than in a year of dieting! Seriousness is like a disease. It will make your body weak and your spirit feeble. There are infinite ways to play, and when you do, your body will be filled with vitality and you will feel her wisdom and power.

#3. Cultivate Connection with Nature
Our bodies evolved in Nature. Nature is wild and wondrous, dynamic and ever-changing, just like us. When we only receive the feedback of the human-made world, it’s stressful because we weren’t designed that way. When the trees, the plants, the sky and the waters are our company, whether it be in a garden, park or wilderness environment, we are returned to our roots, and our primordial wisdom comes to the forefront.

#4. Forgive Your Body and Be Loving Towards Her
Often we feel wronged by our bodies, as if they have messed things up for us. We withhold our love, as if our bodies must first be “perfect” to deserve them. Instead of waiting for one day to love your body, actively forgive her now, and practice being loving towards her. I’m sure you know how to be unconditionally loving to your friends or children. Practice offering the same to her.

As you engage these practices, your animal body will become your best friend and greatest ally in attaining your goals.

If you’d like my support in making these steps, and experiencing the resulting peace with food, body confidence, and pleasurable weight loss, I’m at your service.

Check out my 38th birthday special offer for a 1-on-1 Pleasurable Weight Loss and Unshakeable Body Confidence Strategy Session with me, and exciting bonuses too.


With big love from me to you and your female animal,


P.S. I’m off to sit in the sun and gaze at mountains and birds. My heaven on Earth.

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