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From Russia With Love…How To Eat For Pleasurable Weight Loss No Matter Where You Are

I’m just back from a week of female bonding with my mother and my sister, in St. Petersburg, Russia.

And no, I’m not Russian, although I look it, I’m Irish, and this was the first time any of us had ever been here. Apart from being a regular at the Russian Bath Houses of NYC, I haven’t had much exposure to Russian culture, so it was all very new to all of us.

Before I set off, I mentioned it to one of my clients and it turned out she has also been and said, “Oh, you’re going to love it there…but what are you going to eat?

I didn’t have a firm answer with her other than, “I’ll discover when I get there!”

And so I did, that being the topic of this week’s video

You may be familiar with this feeling, a specific type of anxiety about what to eat when you’re on the road, away from home and the foods you usually know how to access for yourself.
Especially if you’ve got some good rhythms in place in your daily life, it can be a terrifying feeling to be uprooted from that, even if it’s for the reason a *pleasurable* vacation, though for many people, it’s due to work travel or visiting family.

In this video, complete with cameos by my mother and sister, I’ll show you how I entered that zone of “not knowing” when eating in Russia, and how using one of the tools for feminine weight loss–curiosity–I discovered some healthy and delicious solutions, that were both satisfying to the palate, and slimming to the waist.

Plus, at the 14 second mark I’ll show you an incredible feature in this Russian restaurant that I have never seen before. It’s quite meaningful in a surprising kind of way.

As always, “like” it, share it and comment so I get to know your thoughts on the matter.

With Russia from love,

xo Jena

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  1. I have to admit I really liked the witch part… 😉 And how you reminded us of the power therein. I’ve never been to Russia, but it looks like you had a great time tasting the food and spending time with family. 🙂

  2. I love this video, and the witch hanging from the lamp at the restaurant. I love what you said about the fact that witches are women who know how to heal people with foods. I found it interesting and so funny. Thanks for doing the job you do, so marvellously done! I am glad we met your sister and mom too! It seems like the three of you had a good time in Russia!

  3. Hey Nathalie and Belinda,
    Thank you, and yes, the witch blew my mind. You both know how to heal the body with food and I honor that it you. And thanks for acknowledging my sister and Mum.
    xo Jena

  4. That’s SO funny, Jena! My in-laws live in Germany (well, right now Italy – they just retired there – they’re American, too) – but they gave me a kitchen witch. it’s a witch and she’s SO ugly and creepy looking – but they say she brings good luck. i can’t hang her up so i have her sitting on top of my refrigerator – tucked away – so no one can see her – she’s riding a brown and her feet are crrrrazy looking…lol. so now after seeing this…maybe i should bring her out a little more. lol. 🙂

  5. Hi Jena!

    I am a student at IIN and I stumbled upon your amazing site after listening to your husband’s brilliant lecture on how to write a successful email copy. I love your approach to weight loss and dealing with compulsive eating. Your videos are fun and full of great tips.

    I currently live in Milan, Italy and I have learned a lot from the Italians, especially in regards to taking pleasure not just in what you eat, but also how you live your life. I’m curious-in your visit to Russia, what did you think about their approach to food and life? I love learning about different cultures approach to health and wellness 🙂

    Thank you again for all the wonderful material you have on your site and for being such a powerful, beautiful beacon of inspiration-



  6. Hi Renee, Glad I could give you a new perspective on the witch from your in-laws. Yes, she’s magical–like you!
    And Kate, thanks for saying hi and your supportive words. I did enjoy Russia during my 7-day window into life there.
    Hugs, Jena

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