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Heal Your Relationship With The Feminine to Boost Your Metabolism: a 5 Step Guide to Fat Burning

Here in the world of Pleasurable Weight Loss, there are many pleasurable things you can do to shape-shift your body into its ideal size.

You can add enjoyable exercise to your schedule.
You can learn to understand and manage your cravings.
You can pay attention to eating the nourishing food your body truly desires, in the quantities it authentically wants.

I’d like to add to your wisdom by giving you another BIG fat-burning tip that you can start doing today.

This uniquely *feminine* tip is that to boost your metabolism, and therefore your fat-burning, you need to heal your relationship with the feminine.

How Does That Work? 

You may be asking, what does ‘healing my relationship with the feminine’ mean? And what on earth does it have to do with burning fat?

Great questions, my dear lady. Healing your relationship with the feminine means:

  1. Learning to love and appreciate the other women in your life.
  2. Understanding the crucial role of the feminine in the world.
  3. Celebrating the exquisite value of the feminine in you.

In case you hadn’t noticed, there is quite a challenge to achieving the above statements:
Our culture is in complete and total opposition to them!

Go ahead and ask yourself the following questions. If you answer yes to any of them, your feminine can probably use some healing:

  • Have you ever known women who criticize, judge and compete with each other in mean ways?
  • Have you ever felt pressured to “improve” your appearance through cosmetic surgery, beauty products and services?
  • Do you value your masculine qualities as more important and useful than your feminine ones?

I think every woman can relate to these uniquely feminine challenges.

Now, About that Fat-Burning… 

Any subtle rebuke of your feminine can silently wreak havoc on your capacity for happiness. And it can also wreak havoc on your weight shedding desires!

There’s a very close connection between your innermost feelings and your metabolism. They are intimately linked, and interdependent.

Whenever you devalue all that is feminine in the world, you are devaluing your very essence.

This insidious attack on yourself causes your body to perform its weight-balancing functions a lot less optimally than it could. Digestion is slower, cholecystokinin (CCK) production is next to nil and the process of muscle-building in your body comes to a screeching halt.

CCK, by the way, is a substance that helps you metabolize, or digest fat. It stimulates your liver, your gall bladder and your fat digestion. It also suppresses hunger, and keeps you from overeating.

Can you guess what happens when you are deeply pleasured by, and relaxed around, the whole scope of femininity in your world? 

You guessed it: your entire body lights up with fat-burning activities. Your CCK production skyrockets, your fat-digestion happens brilliantly and your entire body works to put itself in balance.

To make a long physiological story short:

Long-term stress puts a major hamper on your fat-burning metabolism,
while relaxation and appreciation of your feminine boosts your fat-burning metabolism.

Now that you have a better grasp on what healing your relationship with the feminine means, and how it can boost (or zap) your fat-burning metabolism, let’s get to work: How can you heal your relationship with the feminine?

 5 Ways to Heal Your Relationship With The Feminine

  1. Value your feminine qualities–openly. Start to notice what is feminine about you, and share it with yourself in the mirror. “My shoulders look so smooth and soft today.” “The tone of my voice is beautifully melodic.” “I love every single part of my female body, exactly as it is.” These are 3 great places to start openly celebrating your feminine. What will you come up with?
  2. Create a community that supports your feminine flourishing. Rome was not built in a day, by one person. It took an entire team of like-minded folks to make it flourish, over time. Similarly, a woman who wants to heal and celebrate her feminine, and drop extra pounds, needs to surround herself with other women who are doing the same thing. Surrounding yourself with women who constantly criticize each other, and themselves, isn’t gonna make you any happier, or slimmer!
  3. Appreciate other women. Do you hear a little voice in your head that says, “I can’t believe she is wearing that,” “Ugh, her _____ is too big,” and  “That lady looks like crap?” That little voice needs to be rewired into finding the beauty in other women. Especially when you’re faced with a challenging sister, focus aggressively on ONE thing you like about her. Trust me, when you focus on the good, it will miraculously grow! Plus, it’ll help you relax, let go of stress and slim down.
  4. Love your mother. Yes! This is a big way to heal your relationship with the feminine. You are half your mother, and half your father, literally. Loving your feminine gateway into the world is a powerful way of healing your relationship with your own feminine essence, and for creating an emotional environment that helps your metabolism get rid of extra fat.
  5. Embrace uniquely feminine pleasures. A feminine body blossoms in a feminine environment. So, create one! Add activities that you consider feminine. Maybe a mani/pedi, a trip to the spa, a bubble bath, a dinner table with flowers and a love note on your mirror are good places to start. Maybe you think these are not you. Regardless, start to flirt with different ways of infusing your life with feminine expression. Your external world affects your internal world, and vice versa.

Darling, once you start to implement even one of these tips, your feminine will begin to heal beautifully. You’ll find that your metabolism will naturally move in the direction of releasing your extra weight, as a side effect of your bringing balance into your feelings.

I hope you can hear me yelling: Go sister, go! Get on your way to healing your relationship with the feminine, and boosting your fat-burning. I’m right behind you.

Tell me, who comes to mind when you think, “Yeah, she really needs to heal her relationship with the feminine!”? Help her slim down in a pleasurable way, and send her this post!

After you do, let’s get together in the comments below:

  1. Which step above can you commit to experimenting with? Which one seems the toughest right now?
  2. What makes your feminine side sigh and swoon with delight? Is it the sight of flowers, romantic movies or a slow, sultry walk in nature? (When you share your ways of relaxing into your feminine, it’ll really help a sister who’s clueless about where to start!)

Loving the Feminine in You,
xo Jena

P.S. Want a boost in the direction of healing and celebrating your feminine? There’s no other retreat on earth that will launch you in that direction more powerfully than Pleasure Camp NYC.

This November 30 – December 2 event is right around the corner, and will surely spice up your feminine side, as well as your fat-burning metabolism!

I have a secret motive for getting you to attend Pleasure Camp NYC: I wanna see you shine. I wanna see you LOVE your femininity. I wanna see you slim down to your ideal size, with pleasure!

You in? Register here. I’m waiting for you…




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  1. What a great post Jena! At last year’s pleasure camp you introduced me to this topic and I feel like I am really getting it! Your blog post number 5 was helpful because I never quite got why everyone was trying to get me to have a pedicure, but now I understand it is because it is a uniquely feminine activity in this culture (and I don’t really have to get one, I can rock the world in a different feminine way :)) You introduced me to Mama Gena and her book last year at Pleasure Camp and this Thursday she is speaking in Springfield MA so I am going and can’t wait to bring my feminine power up another notch! Thank you for opening the door to pleasure and helping me to actually listen to my body that, even after years of yoga and feeling pretty tuned in, I didn’t know how to do. The pleasure principal has helped in all areas of my life! You Rock, Jena!

  2. Wow! I got sucker punched with #4. My mother was not a mentally healthy woman, and I have spent most of my adult life trying to understand her and undo the damage her overprotection and verbal abuse have done. I take comfort in seeing how my daughters have grown into confident, daring, happy women, but I haven’t been able to find these attributes in myself. I certainly never linked my weight and sadness on the barriers I have built between my mother and me.
    You’ve given me a lot to work on with this post, but it just might be the one area I have been avoiding and need to address. Thanks–I think?

  3. Marcia, I’m sure you couldn’t have brought up confident and daring daughters if you weren’t one yourself!
    To me, the mother one also sounds the most difficult. I get so annoyed at how irrational she can get (emotional outbursts without coherence or logic)… But I see that I suppress anything irrational in myself, and perhaps that is the reason for these outbursts in myself (yes, GASP, I’m similar to my mother sometimes…). I suddenly want to utilize it in a creative way.
    Also, I know how far my own mother has come. We have a “tradition” of matriarchal oppression in our family, and my mother really wanted to go against that, and took many steps in that direction, because everyone was miserable. She’s not quite there yet, but since I was born I always considered this structure unnatural – and that is a huge step in the right direction, and thanks to her.

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