This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How Leaving My Hubby Prevented Me From Overeating

If I’ve intrigued you with the subject, let me explain.

What I said is true, though perhaps not how you were thinking.

We were just on our honeymoon after all.

But what’s this got to do with you?

It relates to overeating. If you’ve been trying to “overcome” it–as I did for 10 struggle-filled years–then you’ll enjoy this introduction to a “prevention” approach to over-eating.

I made this video standing by a stream crossing in the rainforest in Colombia, so in addition to my message, you’ll get a peak at some stunning examples of mother nature.

Speaking of nature, I’m going to be leading a retreat in a beautiful natural environment, my 5-day Weight Loss Pleasure Camp, at Omega Institute. Your dream camp come true.

Check this out.

If any of your desires have been ignited or risen to the surface from this post, I’d looooove to hear, in which case please comment below.

xo Jena

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  1. Jena, this is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I can fully relate and especially to overeating when not being true to myself and when i overextend myself. Honoring our needs must cone first, yet it is so sad that so many women in our culture do not understand the power putting ourselves first in order to be better every day.
    Thanks for sharing your insightful messages!

  2. I loved this video and this message, Jena. I can completely relate to this concept of feeding ourselves food when we think we can’t have or do what we really want to be having or doing. I also relate to Waller’s comment about overextending ourselves!

    Jena, what about when we are in a situation where we actually need to be doing something we don’t want to be doing because our commitments require it of us at that moment? Would love to hear your thoughts on what to do instead of overeating at those times!

  3. Jena, WOW! …..this really hit me today~~Ditto@kathleen’s beautiful, waller’s brilliant, Cydneys’s ❤, and Juli’s completely relating!
    Thank you so much….. the trick is staying true to our hearts!…. it just seems so much easier to overeat and stuff our feelings and disappointments down … doesn’t it?
    Here’s to not settling for second best!!!! 🙂

    PS —> lol @ mosquitos

  4. hi there, i’m such a rebel, i don’t want to do most things, i want it all and i want it delivered. i have worked hard to be true to myself, but find it such a challenge in the world we live in. i want to be with my daughter much more than i am. i’m a single mom who works, a lot! i want to be on her schedule/rhythm. i work much more than that and often have to work at home to complete necessary paperwork. i want my home, a career a love and abundant time spent with my girl!

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