This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How Living It Up Slims You Down & Restrictive Diets Pack On The Pounds

Restricting Stuff

You already know all about the restrictive approaches to losing weight.

You’ve heard of the clever approaches endorsed by doctors,
the interesting fad ones promoted on television…
and the downright weird ones broadcasted on the radio!


The restrictive approaches to weight loss come in many interesting shapes and sizes, and take on many disguises.
However, they usually have a thing or two in common, like:

— a punishing, one-size-fits-all workout regime

— a set-in-stone guide to eating

— an emphasis on restricting a particular foods

— (and perhaps most horrifically) an insistence that your body needs to be controlled

Isn’t that… interesting?!

Losing Stuff

Another fishy thing about restrictive approaches is the coin phrase they often use: l-o-s-i-n-g weight.

Cringe. For heaven’s sake. Who enjoys losing stuff?

(Not any woman I know.)

You may enjoy releasing an excess of what doesn’t serve you.

You may enjoy shedding heavy things you don’t need, like extra pounds.

But you probably don’t enjoy losing anything…

Especially when you really would rather not find it, ever again!

Physiological Stuff 

Losing weight in a restrictive manner breeds a particular biochemistry in your body–-the weight-gaining kind.

The feelings of fret, anxiety and self-punishment that weight loss programs invariably cause beckon your body to produce large amounts of insulin, cortisol and norepinephrine.

These, my friend, are stress hormones.

When these 3 little musketeers are produced in excess amounts…

the exact opposite of slimming down occurs!

Sigh. Moral of the story: restrictive approaches that are imposed on your body are disheartening, prescribed and controlling – and do not work!

Pleasurable Stuff

As you might suspect, there is another way to slimming down –

and it isn’t a restrictive path.

It is a gentler, more pleasurable path.

It’s the path that produces long-lasting results, because it requires, and is centered on, your inherent body wisdom.

It values your physiological intelligence, your emotional input and even your spiritual perspective.

The way to slimming down that I’m talking about is the Pleasurable path – it’s the path that invites you to gain life, on your terms, in order to release extra weight.

Gain Life, Dear Lady!

The pleasurable approach to getting slim isn’t about restrictions, rules and guidelines; it’s about creating an expansive life that reflects your version of abundance, enjoyment and fun.

If you think that fun is too frivolous (i.e. useless) for slimming down…

Think again!

Feelings of enjoyment and fulfillment breed a biochemistry of relaxation in your body. Once your body notices (much to its delight!) all the fun you’re having, then it realizes, phew, it is “safe” to enter the relaxation state.

This is where the metabolic symphony for weight loss is unleashed!

Your digestion occurs beautifully, your circulation improves dramatically and your fat-burning metabolic mechanisms are activated. As a consequence, your cravings are soothed, you feel fuller, longer, and your appetite naturally balances itself.

To make a long physiological story short:

In the relaxation state, your body stores fat in ideally feminine ways, instead of in stressed, primitive, self-protective ways.  

Yeah baby! Your key to getting the results you want is your relaxation-induced body wisdom. It’s all right under your nose, and has been all along.

You with me?

If you’re wondering how on earth to gain some life, I want to see you answering these Q’s in the comments below.

1. What do you want more of?
(Is it more community, more men, more down time, more work time, more friend time, more order, more self expression?)

2. How can you make your life bigger? What can you add to it?
(Could it be more art shows, more rock-climbing, more musical research, more learning, more education, more dancing classes?)

These questions focus on expanding your life, since your expansion naturally breeds your pleasure, relaxation and joy.

(It also breeds your slimming. Wink.)

I’ll see you in the comments below, dear one.

Expansively Living,
xo Jena

P.S. Would you like to slim down with pleasurable weight loss wisdom, from the comfort of your own home? Abra cadabra! Now you can, with the online Weight Loss Pleasure Camp, starting August 28th!

Our virtual Pleasure Camp is a yummy 4-week teleclass series, designed to empower you with the most powerful weight loss principles, tools, and ideas.

If you’ve been curious about attending a “live” Pleasure Camp event, but feeling too shy or too busy to attend, this virtual course gives you the strategies you need to heal your relationship with food, revive your body image, and glow with pleasure in your body, food and life.

For instant access to this home-study program and a host of time-sensitive bonuses, click here to check it out.


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  1. 1. What do you want more of?

    More feedback on the goals I want to achieve: physical, business/financial, creative, social, mental, spiritual. I want more quantifiable measurements to inform my adjustments and encourage sticking to behaviors once I see progress.

    2. How can you make your life bigger? What can you add to it?

    I could add more friends who vibe with me in conversation and value my presence and show appreciation for my existence and feed me energy and confidence.

    I could add further measurements, per my answer above. I will start measuring my abdomen to (hopefully) map out my progress as I change my breakfast routine. I set the foundation for that today.

    But I can do better measuring my progress in other areas. Here’s how:

    physical – naval circumference measured every few days.
    run time around the block. every few days.

    business/financial – 2-sentence summary of new leads/users in my freelance/other business ideas every week. Also chart dollars earned weekly.

    creative – document # new creations per week (song is 1 creation; a verse or beat or riff is .25)

    social – # of new friends made weekly

    mental – GMAT Math test weekly. Chart score every week AND chart number of cumulative GMAT math problems studied

    spiritual – # of meditation sessions PLUS # of induced P.M. awakenings.


    On my wall would be good…but I can’t do data entry on Excel on my wall, really.

    It would be really sweet if I could make my desktop background a bunch of graphs to chart how I’m doing in making areas of my life “bigger” via actions that are within my control (e.g. the measurements above).

    How else could I place a graph somewhere in my everyday surroundings so that I can see it every day?

    Suggestions, anyone?

    • Wow Zach!
      You definitely know what you want, which is fantastic!
      I’d suggest some uncalculated movement and joy to counterbalance all that measuring!
      Jena xo

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