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How To Deal With Cravings For Childhood Foods

I’ve kept quiet about it until today, but this whole month I’ve been away on a whirlwind international tour to three important family gatherings

My trip began in Lebanon (for my sister’s wedding.)
I’m currently in Russia (for my Mum’s 60th)
And in between, well that’s the topic of this week’s video.

In between I visited the home of the first 10 years of my life, Dublin, Ireland, for my cousin Susan’s wedding.

I stayed in my grandmother’s house, and I know I’m not alone in being triggered into all kinds of situation-specific cravings, so as you can imagine, staying at Granny’s caused several to rise to the surface.

This week’s video is about how to deal with cravings for childhood foods that you know aren’t serving your adult health agenda, yet call out your name regardless.

These types of cravings deserve their own specific category in the larger spectrum of food cravings, and in this video I’ll show how to work with them–or should I say play with them?–so that there’s no struggle involved.

In the comment section below the video, tell me which “sentimental cravings” you are vulnerable to and how else you can get a nourishing hit of nostalgia when needed.

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  1. Great Vlog Jenna!
    And oh, so true.
    I recently tried this with my childhood friend, Cheetos.
    As it turns out, we’re no longer best of buds ~ just old acquaintances who do “do it” for each other anymore (;

  2. Hi Sherry, Glad you liked the video and have been trying this out for yourself and getting results.
    “Old acquaintances” is a great way of phrasing it.
    xo Jena

  3. Hey Ali, Great to hear from you. I’d love to see you in person one of these days. Glad you liked the video. Love always, Jena xo

  4. I have so many cravings all the time that I find it difficult to imagine that if I did give in and have something from the childhood that I wouldn’t like it. I think this is a sound theory for most people — it worked for you, it will work for others… But what if I were to go and make some Kraft macaroni and cheese and discover that it tastes wonderfully addictive and that after one bite I’m plagued with the desire to eat an entire package of the stuff? I wouldn’t be willing to try this out with candies because I have very strong physical reactions to refined sugars; severe migraines, stomach aches and muscle cramps happen as soon as minutes after I eat something containing corn syrup or white sugar or even agave, molasses, splenda or cane syrup. So I can’t go around trying those things, and I can’t desire them because I associate them so deeply with pain at this point. But when it comes to other things… Like mashed potatoes slathered in butter or even just salted… Or wendy’s french fries. Things I no longer eat, but am certain I would still adore the flavor and texture of… I actually did give in the other day and eat chips and fries at a restaurant, loving the flavor and the novelty of something I had no eaten in a very long time… And then I went directly home and slept for four hours. All the heavy fatty stuff put me directly to sleep. I’d like to hear more of your thoughts on what to do about desires for “foods” that used to be a major part of one’s life and no longer are.

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