This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How to Enjoy Weight Loss End Results in the Beginning

I have something crazy to share.

Promise you won’t tell anyone?

I think the Dalai Lama is sexy!

Wanna know why?

He’s profound, he’s gentle, he’s sweet… he looks pretty darn fit, and he has a special twinkle in his eye… like, light just shines from him.

Plus, he’s uber spiritual, and says hot stuff like:

“I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment.

Mmm, mmm, mmm. Yeah baby!
Desire and happiness, hand in hand.

However, in our society, we’re programmed with the toxic belief that if you look a certain way, or have a certain weight, then you’ll have it all — then, you’ll be happy.

Ohhh boy. I remember the days when I used to believe that a particular number on my scale (and size on my dress tags) would “make me happy.”

That was before I learned that holding on to reaching a target weight isn’t the recipe for happiness., OR the recipe for slimming down either!

That was before I discovered that the true path to long-lasting happiness AND permanent weight loss both, stems from the act of appreciating your body exactly as it is, at every moment and at any size.

And when I say appreciating, that also leaves room for desiring your body size to transform and to come in to balance, but it invites it to do so in the context of a baseline of loving kindness towards your body that you maintain no matter what.

Enjoying the end results of weight loss at the beginning means accepting, loving and appreciating your brilliant body RIGHT now. In the present.

Physiologically, acceptance, love and appreciation cause an explosion of the “P” Factor, or Pleasure, in the body. And that, my dear, unexpected as it may sound, is the scientifically proven catalyst that triggers the type of long-lasting, permanent, feminine weight loss you long for. (So does accepting all your desires as good, doable and sacred treasures, by the way.)

Okay — now would be a good time to take out your cyber highlighter and mark the following:  outer results guarantee nothing — especially not happiness!
 And vice versa, get your inner game sorted out, and outer results are yours for the taking.

If Not Weight Loss, Then What Will?

If I had $10 for every time I heard a beautiful client of mine say, “I am going to be SO happy when I reach my goal weight!” I’d be swimming in bills!

If you’ve ever thought weight loss will deliver happiness to your doorstep (and what woman hasn’t thought that at some point), I invite you to entertain this little Q-and-A.

Me: Yo, hot mama, have you ever been at your target weight before?
You: Yes! I have. I remember that.
Me: Cool. So what happened at that weight? Were you really, deeply happy then?
You: Hmmm, well, not entirely…

Bingo!  A particular body size does not necessarily equal happiness.

Answer me this:
1.  Why do you want to lose weight?
2.  What will happen when you lose weight?

I invite you to get naked and lay it all out.
Even if it’s on a post-it note:
write out what your motivations for weight loss are, a.k.a. your end results.

In my work, I have encountered many different shades of answers:
to feel good                         to be more colorful                    to love myself
to look good                        to enjoy certain clothes              to enjoy my body
to be the real me                 to feel more powerful                 to be more flirtatious and confident

Remember, weight loss is no guarantee for those pleasurable, wonderful things. 
Rather, and this is fortunate news, it works the other way around….

The Other Way Around

Our culture has erroneously taught us to push, force, shove and deny our bodies, thinking that the pushing and denying of pleasure is going to get us to the place where we have all this sudden resulting pleasure.  I know it sounds insane when you lay it out like that, but it’s the backbone of the cultural “diet cool-aid” we’ve all drunk.

What I need you to know (and to tell every woman and girl you know who is struggling with her shape) is that cruel treatment of your body creates the body chemistry that prevents slimming down and promotes packing on the pounds!

Denying your body pleasure creates a fat-storing recipe of cortisol, insulin and norepinephrine.

No thanks!

Hmph. So what does work?

Actually, loving yourself now and turning yourself on is what works!

When you’re turned on by life, you turn your metabolism on.

Pass the Pleasure, Please!

So, tell me:

1.  What are 3 beautiful things about your body, right now?
2.  What will get you into the Pleasure mode now, where your body’s lean, mean fat-burning biochemical machinery is operating most effectivel
3.  What desire can you acknowledge and express, thereby flipping the “ON switch” for the weight loss symphony to play throughout your body?


Yeehaw! And here we were thinking, “well when I lose weight and have the perfect body, then I can receive pleasure.”

Again, no thanks! We’ll take our self-acceptance, self-celebration and pleasure now, please.

Beauty, if you’re looking to be the real you, to be happier, to have more confidence, to have more fun, be more out there, and to arrive at your ideal weight, then…
create your Pleasure chemistry NOW!

Appreciating you, as you are,

xo Jena

P.S. What is your sassy brain thinking? Share your genius below! I welcome your contribution to the conversation.

P.P.S. Purrrrrrrr! I can’t help but purr when I think of bumping hips with you at Pleasure Camp Omega. I suspect you’ll be a perfect fit for the fun and insightful shenanigans that awaits you.

From July 1 – 6, you’ll be enjoying cell-changing, life-altering, hands-on classes, and learning how to use pleasure to slim down. Your experiences here will invite weight loss in a feminine, natural way.

Omega Institute, located in beautiful Rhinebeck, New York, is the premier center for wellness and personal growth. Together, we’ll be moving, breathing, feeling, engaging and learning with other women in a safe space. It will be an enlightening, reassuring and life-changing 5 full days. Believe me when I tell you that you won’t go home the same person you were before Pleasure Camp Omega! Registration is simple, and it’s right here.

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  1. Loving this idea of having what thin “gives you” before you get to your ideal weight. I have been treating myself as though I am already at my ideal weight and loving every minute of it. It has also allowed the inner me to start believing what I want the outer me to represent. As you said, Jena, free your mind and your ass will follow. 😉

  2. Thank you for this beautiful truth you’re telling. It feels very good to read them. They seem so obvious, yet I realize how powerful is my unconscious where are trap all these breaking down thoughts. It’s like a huge part of me is trap in this mud of unkind thoughts about myself, I have this feeling. So to read truth like these ones really help to clean and change what is inside the more or less unconscious bag I’m carrying ^^
    Would it be possible for you to share the picture on Facebook? I would love to share it! ^^
    I think it’s a great and powerful shot ^^

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