This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How to Lose Weight with Zero Food Rules or Calorie-Counting


What if you could abandon the harsh, masculine methods of restrictive dieting and punishing workouts and instead, shift your mindset into the pleasure mode? Consider this your formal invitation to allow yourself to enjoy more and give yourself what your female body actually desires. This nugget of wisdom is the counterintuitive secret for women who want to lose weight.

In this gentle, feminine approach, there are no points, no food rules, no regulations and no calorie-counting. There’s no deadline, no little notebook of dos and don’ts.


This is what’s known as “pleasure research,” and not a rigid curriculum. The pleasurable path to losing weight is SO much more than a 30-day plan. It’s a whole new way of living and relating to food and your body.

Your only assignment is to plunge forward enthusiastically and feel gloriously alive in your pleasure. Your progress is your joy, radiance, and deep fulfillment that will reward you, and in turn, reward those around you.

When you radiate this electrifying happiness, you will be amazed at not only how easily the pounds begin to melt off and stay off. You’ll feel confident, attractive, magnetic, safe, grounded, healthy and sensual.


Deeply inquire as to how you want to feel when you lose weight. Make an exhaustive list of all the ways you want to feel and identify your top five. Then let the pursuit of those five desired feelings guide your pleasurable weight loss. Share your top five in the comments below.



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1 Comment

  1. When I lose weight, I want to feel:
    1. Light and flexible
    2. Unencumbered physically and emotionally
    3. Sexier and sassier
    4. Healthily younger (even if I can’t knock off years!)
    5. Satisfied and accepting of ME

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