This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How To Turn Weight Loss Upside Down For Slimming Success

Last night was a VERY exciting moment in the la Flamme home, as it was the book launch of my husband’s book, The Education of Millionaires. If you’re an entrepreneur or want to be, pick up a copy 🙂

You’ll also learn some up until now “private” information about me and
my journey. Michael is a “tell all” kind of guy.

Back at the Jena Wellness Center, I’ve made you a video that breaks
down some of the principal “paradigm shifts” that define “pleasurable”
weight loss as opposed to the “punishing” model that if you’re anything
like me, you’ve come to know all too intimately.

(My version was 10 years of a mixture of restricting, binging and purging.
What has been your journey with the dieting world? I’d love to hear.)

I won’t sugar coat it and say that the pleasurable approach is a “little bit”
different from the old-school dieting approach.

It’s not. It’s completely revolutionary. It’s completely new.

This approach turns almost everything that’s been indoctrinated into us
since we were teen girls on its head. Seriously.

If you’ve been feeling like a failure for *still* not loving how your body
looks, rest assured, the game was rigged to make you lose and it’s not
your fault. In this video you’ll learn the mindset shifts that are at the core
of the pleasurable approach.

After 10 years of struggle, and now almost 10 years of practice
implementing the pleasurable approach with myself, my clients and my
community, I’ve narrowed down, from all the many factors that influence
weight loss, the ones that really matter and will make your ride either a
horror show or a picnic in the park.

In this video you’ll learn the key mindset shifts that have given me the life-
changing results I’ve experienced, and have done the same for my students
and clients.

Be sure to leave me a comment. I read every one.

With love,
xo Jena

P.S. Pleasure Camp NYC, which takes place on November 11, 12 & 13 at
the Jena Wellness Center, has been open for registration for only 7 days and
it already 30% sold. It’s very exciting! If you want to learn more about it, I’m
hosting a free teleseminar next Wednesday, Oct 5, that you can register for
. Or if you’d like to scour the event website for all the details, the
payment options, etc or you are ready to reserve your ticket now, click over
to the Pleasure Camp site.

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  1. So far everything sounds wonderful. I can definitely appreciate what you are doing for women. However, I can’t help but notice that most of your clients have lost about 25 pounds. This means they are going from high-normal to low-normal weights. No one has gone from obese to normal. I am obese (about 80 pounds overweight). The only time I was at a normal weight I was fasting and restricting, which I vowed never to do again. Do you think your program would work for me, or do you think I have a metabolic problem that can’t be addressed with your approach?

    I would also like to mention that despite my size I am very active, yoga, powerpilates, even TRX, and I walk a couple of miles daily. I just refuse to experience extreme hunger ever again. I think it is even less healthy than being obese.

  2. Hi SKL,
    Thanks for your comment. To answer your question I have had clients who have lost 40 – 50 pounds too, and I am sure this approach could help you too. Since you mention the possibility of a “metabolic problem” how pleasurable weight loss actually works is that it directly improves metabolism. You can read more about the connection on this my upcoming event’s website
    I’m so glad to hear that you have vowed not to restrict and punish yourself again. Thank goodness! I’m backing you up there, darling. Also great that you are staying so active.
    It sounds like there’s a mysterious puzzle piece missing and my hunch is it’s pleasure.
    Keep me posted on how I can serve you.
    Love, Jena

  3. Thanks, Jena. It would be great if you could offer a payment plan with your weight loss program. $197 is steep for some of us. 🙂 I’ll save my pennies in the meantime.

  4. I’d love to go to one of your weekends but even with the payment plan, I would just never be able to swing it so soon. Is the download just as effective? Also, will you be organizing another weekend maybe in 2012? How about another day at Yoga works?

  5. Hi Jena. Love you, thanks for doing all of this. Just found you via Saida Desilets and the teleclass you just gave and I loved it. Just want to say I do yoga and dance and the paradigm discussion definitely applies to the way I like to do and teach movement. Even in the dance and yoga worlds it is easy to think of your body as broken. But in fact your body is wise and it is okay to go about movement from a pleasurable perspective rather than a punishing one. So thanks! You’re helping me believe that and practice it more and more.

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