This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

How To Use Food Medicinally To Slim Down

Have you ever felt toxic from over-eating?

I remember as clear as day all the sugar headaches I used to get.

They varied between a dull ache and a stabbing pain depending on how much sugar I’d devoured.

If you know that sugar is literally poisonous to the body in high enough doses, you’ll be relieved to know there are many other foods that have the opposite effect — foods that are healing, balancing, detoxifying and supportive to the body, and promoting of natural, pleasurable slimming.

This week’s video blog takes you out to lunch to experience those foods.

I’m taking you to an incredible restaurant that serves the health foods you can use as medicine to slim down, that you too can create in your kitchen. None are that complicated, but they are very delicious.

I transformed my relationship with food from perceiving food as my #1 enemy to understanding how to use food as medicine or what I now call *therapeutic eating*.

I always thought food would be a source of pain and it was to my delight when I discovered it as a source of healing and balance.

Healthy foods that are dense in nutrients, really do make you feel better, and that, my dear, is pleasurable fact indeed.

All of the foods in this video will help bring vitality to your body to assist your natural slimming down, PLUS there’s a special ritual at the end which also offers pleasure to numerous senses.

And while you’re here, what types of new foods does this motivate you to try out? Leave a comment with your inspiration.

Thanks for watching and being part of this movement,

xo Jena

P.S. How does a week of healthy food, cooked by someone else, served up to you in a vibrant natural environment as you learn to apply and live by the principles and strategies I teach for slimming down pleasurably?

Join me this July 1 – 6, 2012, for Pleasure Camp, live at the Omega Institute.

It’s a week to permanently lighten up from all kinds of burdens that have been holding you back and literally weighing down your body, so when you return home you are literally lighter–in body, mind and spirit.

How I know it will be permanent is when slimming is done *pleasurably,* your body has nothing to rebel against — no punishment or deprivation to fight or resist — and so the change sticks.

I’ve seen it again and again. The pleasurable way is the lasting way.

Screw punishing bootcamp, come check out Pleasure Camp. Registration is now open. Click here to read all about it and reserve your spot.


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