This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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If you ever eat when you’re full

Back when I was struggling with my weight, locked in my self-inflicted prison of restriction and denial, I searched everywhere for a way out.

All of the “diet books” sang the one same sorry tune –restriction, denial, control– and in my bones, I knew that couldn’t *really* be the way.

Many years later, I’ve since discovered the “feminine strategies for weight loss” I now teach, but I still rarely come across a book on the topic of weight loss I can really stand behind or vouch for.

One that helps you solve the puzzle with pleasure, enjoyment and freedom.

Happily, my dear friend and colleague, Renée Stephens has written such a book.

Renée is a colleague I’ve worked with closely on numerous occasions, and both from first-hand experience, and also from listening to her #1 rated weight loss podcast on iTunes, I can tell you, whatever Renée puts her attention to, she FILLS with heart, wit, intelligence, depth, compassion, wisdom and most importantly, with practicality.

And speaking of “FILLING,” if you’ve ever continued to eat, even when you’re know you’re “FULL,” but you’re craving all the same, then the title of her book will resonate with you.

Introducing… [hear trumpets sounding]…

“Full-Filled: The 6-Week Weight-Loss Plan for Changing Your Relationship with Food-and Your Life-from the Inside Out”
by Renée Stephens

Having just been released today, this book is literally hot off the press and I highly recommend you pick up your copy today.

Education is power, so inform yourself on the “Inside-Out” approach to slimming with this ground-breaking book.

With love, enthusiasm and encouragement,

xo Jena

P.S. Below is a short synopsis of Renée’s book

Through her Inside Out Weight Loss program and seminars, along with podcasts downloaded more than 3 million times, Renée Stephens has helped countless people free themselves from emotional eating to achieve the body and life they’ve always desired. Now, in her first book, she shares the breakthrough lessons of her popular work and develops them into a complete, step-by-step program: Full-Filled: The 6-Week Weight- Loss Plan for Changing Your Relationship with Food—and Your Life—from the Inside Out.

With Full-Filled, you will gain freedom from dieting as you use some of the world’s most advanced mind and behavior-changing techniques. An intuitive and easy weight-loss program, Full-Filled will open the door to bigger transformations in your life. Not only will you drop excess physical pounds with Renée’s expert guidance, you will get to the root of why you eat and you will lose your spiritual weight—by identifying why you eat the way you do and finding better ways to satisfy your true hunger without food.

A former food addict, Stephens is a leading weight-loss coach who works with women and men who have spent years trying to free themselves from their weight struggle and to regain control of their lives. Women, Food and God led millions to spiritual insights; Full- Filled turns those insights into practical steps in an easy-to-follow program that will permanently change how you think about and behave around food.

The Full-Filled program will identify and heal your underlying food issues and provide you with the specific tools to create new habits that will make you slim and healthy for a lifetime. This isn’t about what foods you should and shouldn’t eat (although Renée does share some of her favorite recipes to make weight loss happen faster and easier). Filled with personal success stories and a whole bag of transformative tips and tricks, Full-Filled will set you up for significant weight loss and provide the no-fail techniques for keeping the pounds off permanently.

Click here to get your copy of Full-Filled

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