This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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I’m in Cosmopolitan! (not for the reason you’d expect)

I’ve always wanted to be mentioned in Cosmo magazine, and yesterday I was. But not for the reason you might expect.

What you may not know about me, is that although I am a teacher of pleasure–and pleasure and playfulness are closely related–that I have a tendency to be TOO DARN SERIOUS!!

But I’m working on it.

The cutting-edge of my “studies” these days, is to include more humor, play, and plain old silliness in my life. That’s why when my friend Michelle Joni told me she was starting a Pre-School for Adults, my eyes lit up.

“We’ll have play time, snack time, show-and-tell, and nap time,” she told me and I felt bizarrely compelled to participate. Without overthinking it, I signed up.

The first day of “Pre-School Mastermind” was on Tuesday night. The snow had turned to rain and the streets were thick with slush giving me the perfect excuse to call a “snow day” and skip class, but I persisted undeterred.

I arrived in class with a sinking feeling in my belly. “I’m not in the mood to embrace my inner a 3 year old,” I thought grumpily to myself. “What am I doing here?”


Yet despite my resistance, with our teachers Miss Joni and Miss Cancan’s guidance, I gradually started to have fun. We were paired off with a buddy, and that’s how I unsuspectingly ended up being mentioned in Cosmo magazine.

My partner Mandar (her pre-school name,) wrote an article called “Why I Enrolled in Preschool at Age 33,” in which I am not named, but described as being her partner who “has just published a book on having fun while losing weight. Perfect.”

Click here to read this amusing article intended to rekindle your relationship with your inner 3 year old.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because when you are truly in play, you and your female body are in sync. You are in the moment. You are courageous. You’re free. And these are the exact conditions that set the scene for a balanced relationship with food and consequently for natural, pleasurable weight loss.

Plus, when you are truly laughing, right from your belly, you’re unlikely to be overeating. You’re more fun to be around, and your body, your precious female animal, is happier too.

Play is about discovering something new and imagining what’s possible. And when you play–be it at formal Pre-School or in any area of your life–you’ll feel more equipped to break an old pattern next time you’re poised in front of the fridge or pantry ready to make an attack.

Unhealthy patterns can feel so ingrained it seems they will never shift, but play teaches us that we can always find new and original ways to approach any situation, and in doing so, liberate ourselves to be as free as a 3 year old.

Click here to check out this article and to get the scoop on some good clean fun. (Ok, a bit messy.)

With love,

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