This Secret to Losing Weight is so
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My Dirty Laundry list – what’s yours?

I’m in Peru, alone, taking time away from my usual existence to catch my breath and re-examine my life.

I’m working with a teacher that I reference in my book, Pleasurable Weight Loss, who helped me understand in my bones, what self-love truly means. He taught me how to overcome the feeling that I was “not good enough” that plagued me for decades.

This time he asked me to write out my “Dirty Laundry List.”

The instructions: Take an honest look at the gap between your dreams and wishes and the actual reality of your life.

It’s a confronting exercise. I’m a big dreamer and sometimes my actions fall short.

How about you? What’s on your Dirty Laundry List?

I invite you to take some quiet, reflective time to evaluate what’s on this list for you?

If your relationship with food, your body confidence, your weight, or the pleasure and sensuality in your life are on this list, I’d love to be of service to help you narrow the gap between your dreams and your reality.

There may be obstacles in the way, but the story of your life is not over yet and literally ANYTHING is possible.

It can be frightening to look at our shadows, our fears, and our deepest needs, but the rewards for doing so are boundless.

The key is to do so with care and compassion, and ideally a loving guide who will help you along the way.

On that note, I’m hosting a live workshop at the New York Open Center on August 5th, 7 PM – 10 PM called the Secrets of Pleasurable Weight Loss.


I warmly invite you to join me and a community of amazing like-minded women for this one-time event.

Summer is a wonderful time to be addressing your Dirty Laundry list. Nature is supporting you to be lighter and freer, and to enjoy this gorgeous existence.

Here’s where you can leave more and find a ticket.

With love from Peru,

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