This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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The #1 Weight Loss Myth – Debunked!

Is it me, or is the topic of weight loss everywhere?

I feel like no matter where I go or what I do, I get bombarded by ads containing all kinds of weight loss information that’s supposedly really safe and effective.

Here’s the thing that really bugs me about this: Most of that “helpful” weight loss information is not accurate!

The weight loss myths that are most commonly propagated by our culture are not only untrue and inaccurate, but also counter-productive.

My mission today is to shine the light on the #1 weight loss myth that drives me the craziest because of its inaccuracy, debunk its validity and offer you a strategy that will actually work in its place. I believe that you deserve to get the best information on weight loss that’ll help you slim down, for good.

Come and learn about the most common, and harmful, weight loss myth – it’s about time we debunked it!

  • Punishing weight loss methods will lead you to shed your extra weight, permanently.

This statement makes me cringe. I know you’ve heard about this awful approach, because it’s all over the media: “If I can control and punish myself by a) abstaining from food that I love and b) exercising in a particularly intense way for 30 days, I’ll slim down for sure.”

The weakness of this approach, besides the fact that it sucks the joy out of you, is that it ignores a very important detail: if and when you get to your desired outcome, it’s going to be impossible to sustain.

The reason being, if it took punishment and deprivation to obtain it, it’s going to take punishment and deprivation to sustain it.

Who wants to live their life permanently deprived? No one does. Which is exactly why this myth is unsustainable, and will never keep you slim in the long run.

One of the main reasons this popular strategy rarely even works is because stress has a huge influence on weight gain. Stress causes weight gain and prevents weight loss because the body thinks that its survival is at risk.

When you are stress, your body pumps out cortisol and insulin, giving your entire system a strong signal to store fat. Your body fat then goes up as a consequence of your effort to eliminate it in a punishing way.

Stress, restriction and punishment is not good for slimming down. Remember, anything that is stressful to undertake and sustain, undermines your weight loss efforts.

Now that you know how and why this myth doesn’t work, let’s chat about what does.

Pleasure: A Healthy, Effective Approach

Did the word “pleasure” make one of your eyebrows go up? It’s okay if it did.

Although this isn’t all over every billboard and commercial in the world, yet, you must infuse pleasure, enjoyment and fun into your eating, exercising and life in order to slim down for good.

Why? Feelings of pleasure, enjoyment and fun will signal your body to relax. Once your female body is relaxed, she can give the “bombs away!” to releasing extra fat.

From a physiological standpoint, your relaxed body releases cholecystokinin (CCK,) a biochemical that stimulates digestion, feelings of pleasure and sensations of fullness. This is just one of hundreds of biological processes your body orchestrates to help you slim down, once you’re relaxed.

Need some ways of infusing pleasure into your eating?

Slow down. Taste your food. Smell it with gusto.
Prepare a setting that adds to your culinary pleasure. Create and tune in to your sensual, distraction-free dining experience.
Pay attention to the food you are putting in your body. Is it rich in nutrients? Did it come from the earth, or a factory package?

As for exercise, consider doing whatever makes your body go, “Yay! I am sweating, moving and grooving!” Believe me, a “yay” from your body will translate into a slimmer you much more quickly and effectively, than an exercise that leaves you depressed and defeated.

Pleasure, eating and exercise are made to go together. They’re the dream team for creating a weight shedding experience that works and lasts.

Say it with me: Goodbye, punishing weight shedding methods!

All this attention to feeling great is gonna be “hard” work darling, but I know you can do it.

Let’s go ahead and celebrate–-we have debunked the single most common and harmful weight loss myth!

You now know that punishing methods, a lack of pleasure and obsession with self-control needs to be replaced by pleasurable living, an abundance of pleasurable dining and a lifestyle that promotes your relaxation, in order for your body to release your extra fat.

Yo-yo dieting is no fun, but shedding your extra weight forever can be fun. I know your logical mind might be perplexed, but all evidence points to pleasure as the ultimate strategy for achieving your ideal size.

Will you go for the pleasure?

If you do, share the goods – forward this post to a sister who needs to release the myths about dropping extra weight, and understand the slimming information about pleasure.

Come and get juicy with me and your weight shedding community in the comments below:

  1. What’s the most punishing weight shedding method you’ve ever tried? Did it work? If so, did it last?
  2. Which pleasurable weight loss strategy are you already dipping your toe into? Which one seems the most challenging for you at this point?

Pleasure is not for pansies. It’s for brave women who are ready to drop the nonsensical struggle to revolutionize their bodies, and actively create a life that’s a pleasurable environment for weight shedding. You can do it, sista!

With love,
xo Jena

P.S. Does your pleasure seem like an impossible idea, instead of a real possibility?

Then you’ve got to strut, not walk, over to Pleasure Camp NYC.

Click over to learn about how this weekend retreat can help you achieve your weight shedding desires, by giving you the feminine formula for doing so.

What do you have to lose, besides extra weight? It’s just a weekend, and it’s wonderfully packed with all the content of years of my experience, research and wisdom.

Register here – your slimmer, happier self is calling!




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  1. Thanks a lot for this info! I can really relate to this topic as I’m a newbie in the world of weight loss. I recently embarked on what I think is a revolutionising workout programme called BeachBody ( Would be interested to find out your thoughts on this as I’m laying much hope on this programme.

  2. What’s the most punishing weight shedding method you’ve ever tried? Did it work? If so, did it last? The most punishing weight shedding method I’ve ever tried was working with a personal trainer 2-3 times per week. The sessions were grueling, and although my body toned up, I was miserable because when I looked in the mirror, I felt like I was morphing into a “manly” body. I wasn’t becoming slim, feminine, and contoured, I was becoming dense, masculine, and “squared off.” Definitely not slimmer!

    Since speaking with you a few times, I’ve become more aware of pleasure, and how seeking pleasure through food is often the body’s way of finding surface pleasure. I don’t try to avoid food, but as I have been adding more pleasure to my life in other ways, I don’t have to use food as the only source of it. This weekend was thanksgiving and I didn’t try to avoid food this year. I just really enjoyed it. I was shocked when I put on my skinny jeans afterwards that they actually fit better than they did before.

    One of the best takeaways I had from your post is The reason being, if it took punishment and deprivation to obtain it, it’s going to take punishment and deprivation to sustain it. I think that’s true in many areas of life….

    thanks Jena!

  3. This article was an eye opener, especially as to reason why some people I know seem to be unable to shed weight: they absolutely lack pleasure in their life and in their relationship to food!

    I’m happy to say that apart from school, I only ever chose sports because I enjoyed this special sort of sports, and when I stopped enjoying it, I stopped doing it (like karate: total fun until it turned into fighting, and I’ve never been fitter than at that time). At the moment it’s yoga which makes me feel just wonderful in my body, and I recently took up horseback riding after only dreaming of it for 20 years. I do hope that in time this (and happy eating) takes away some of the surplus baby/stress fat.

  4. The most punishing weight shedding method I’ve ever undertaken was at a hip hop dance school in New York. We had classes for 3 hours, six days a week, where we were yelled at and made to do military style exercises such as squats with someone actually sitting on our shoulders and had to do endless push-ups as actual punishment! Oh sometimes we got to dance too…anyway, my body was seriously telling me that it wanted to eat but I was trying to control it and was meanwhile obsessed with food….needless to say, I ended up putting on weight.

    The pleasurable weightloss strategy I’ve been working on is being in my body when I’m doing yoga and not letting my thoughts lead me astray. It’s not always easy but I feel the physical and mental effects more when I do.

    • Mireille,
      That class sounds awful! I hope you’ve found a new outlet for dancing, its a fantastic technique towards pleasurable weight loss, one that I love to use myself 🙂

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