This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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The Science of Pleasurable Weight Loss

It’s hard to believe that weight loss can be pleasurable when, for decades, the conventional (read: masculine) weight-loss industry has brainwashed us into thinking that weight loss must be hard work.

Fortunately, weight loss can be pleasurable.

In fact, the science indicates that it needs to be pleasurable for a woman to successfully lose weight and keep it off.


Does that sound hard to believe? I’m not surprised. We’ve been indoctrinated to believe that the only way to lose weight is by punishing, restricting, or controlling our bodies. However, nothing could be further from the truth. We act as if our bodies are unfeeling objects that will respond to any logical weight-loss plan that is mathematically proven. But they are not.

Our bodies are sensitive, living creatures who have an opinion of their own. Remember: I’m inviting you to think of your body as an animal. As your animal. Your beloved Female Animal.

When you punish your body by depriving her of enjoyment with food through restrictive weight-loss plans, you generate a stress response, sending your body into survival mode. Your body’s instinct is to protect herself by gaining weight. That extra weight literally becomes an insulating layer, keeping her safe and protected from starvation and from the world.

The trick to weight loss is to support her to lighten up and transform WITHOUT resorting to punishing methods. Actually, it isn’t a trick; it’s ancient common sense. This concept only feels unrealistic because we’ve been conditioned to believe that weight loss has to hurt.

The key to sustainable weight loss is clearly not to beat your female creature into submission. The secret lies in truly getting to know what her needs, desires and urges are, and what gives her pleasure.


Why Pleasure Increases Your Metabolism

When you experience pleasure your mind and your body both relax. Your body is no longer screaming, “Help!” She’s saying, “Aaaaahhh, that feels good.” When you are relaxed, your Female Animal receives the message that she is safe.

Scientifically speaking, pleasure comes with a corresponding hormonal shift in which cortisol and insulin decrease. This supports your body to be able to burn fat for energy – and to build muscle, too.

Pleasure changes your metabolism from the mode where it stores fat to the one where it lets fat go. This is just one of the scientific reasons why pleasure helps you lose weight permanently.

Let’s begin a new journey to weight loss, with pleasure.

You can begin today, right now, by asking your body what she finds pleasurable. I also invite you to share the answer in the comments below!


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1 Comment

  1. I’m halfway through your book and am just now discovering your website and blog. I love the distinction of my body being a female animal that I need to listen to and converse with to treat her and me with love. So I wanted to share that I’ve give her a name — Shanimal (She + Animal)–so I can feel more connected to her as a person, an entity and partner in Life!

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