This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

The “Silent Killer” Preventing Weight Loss & How to Slim Down

I’ve just completed the third retreat of my “Pleasure Immersion” program, and feel deeply satisfied by the incredible transformation of the participants. Compared to the women they were when we began our journey together, these women are *unrecognizable.* It’s amazing to witness.

Throughout the program I’ve been guiding them to climb out of the many classic weight loss “traps” that keep women constantly frustrated with their weight, spinning their wheels, “trying” to get somewhere yet failing, resulting in a decrease only of their self-esteem, but sadly not their weight.

To help you avoid one of these  little known yet extremely dangerous “traps”–one that I was stuck in for 10 years and I’ve seen other women remain caught in for a lifetime–I’ve put together a free training video that lays it all out for you, step-by-step.

Note the timing error at 07:35 when I accidentally say 2001. Of course I meant 2011, Oops!

One of the biggest enemies of slimming is stress, plain and simple, but this video is about something much more specific.

It’s about something most women do not even take into consideration.

This is possibly one of the best kept weight loss secrets, and one I’d like to become common knowledge, starting with you.

Please leave me a comment with the action steps you’re inspired to take.

With love and support,

P.S. 11-11-11 is coming up and on that auspicious day will be my weekend-long seminar, Pleasure Camp NYC, at the Jena Wellness Center, a.k.a. the Pleasure Campus.

If you like the sound of my philosophy and would like to learn experientially how to apply this to your own life and body, then I’ve designed this just for you. You can find out more at:

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  1. Hello from México.

    Jena please please write a book ¡¡¡¡¡ Or tell me where can I read more about pleausurable weigth lose

    Love your Ideas ¡¡


  2. I love your videos Jena and the way you reach out like a big sister to thoughtfully guide women to amazing living. I think its important to recognize that a lot of the things we find pleasurable have been labeled as time wasting, laziness, unproductive, frivolous etc. which makes us feel guilty, which leads to stress, which as you so rightly state leads to weight gain. So I believe that your methodology will not only make us thinner, but it will also make us love life a whole lot more as we learn to ‘love’ ourselves and understand that doing pleasurable things is supposed to be a natural instinct not something to feel guilty about. So go ahead, roll around on the bed and have a nap, your happiness meter will thank you for it.

  3. Thank you, Cheryl, I do think of us as sisters, yes 🙂 You make some terrific points, thanks for being expressive. I’m going to take your call to action to “roll around on the bed” and yes, my happiness meter will be delighted 🙂 xoxoxo

  4. Thankyou so much Jena

    I am going to savour (aussie spelling) something in a small portion that is delectably delicious, in a mindful eating style. I am enjoy every sensation of that food express that enjoyment and how much I deserve this beautiful food.


  5. Jena, thanks for all the great information. I love all your videos.

    Pleasure for me is when I do Zumba. I get to dance, sweat, and be around other women I love. I’ll be doing it tonight. I’ll think of you 🙂

  6. Thanks, Stephenie Z, I’m so glad I’ve been able to positively impact your mindset and the way you treat your body. Your love is received, thank you!
    Sharon, I always appreciate some Aussie spelling, thank you. I’m glad you are well 🙂
    And Karie, your post makes me want to dance.
    Thank you to all…xo Jena

  7. I totally agree. I am taking Mama Gena’s class all about PLEASURE and most of us women have spent our ENTIRE lives (mine 62 years) putting everyone and everything before ourselves. Abe channeled by Ester Hicks says to get into the vortex, all you need to do is RELAX and release your resistance. It is such SIMPLE advice and sad we live within a society which does not honor and support us honoring and supporting our bodies REGARDLESS of their size!! THANKS for the reminders! We get what we focus on and if we keep hating our bodies, they will never, ever heal. Healing requires LOVE, first of ourselves and forgiving ourselves for all the judgements we have made. YES YES YES to more PLEASURE …even simple little things like a 5 minute walk outside! Without our precious bodies we could not experience this life!! It is a MIRACLE with all the cells working all together to keep us alive! I am learning to be in AWE of the wonder of eating and apple which turns into blood and bones and flesh without my having to tell it how!! I am sure your Pleasure Shop will be AMAZING!!! You rock!! Love, Morgine

  8. Hi Morgine, awesome that you are in Mama Gena’s class. I’m a total fan. I love the points you are making about all the cells working together to keep us alive. Yes! Reverence for the body, and reverence for life go hand in hand. And amazingly, pleasurable weight loss is a side-effect. Thanks for commenting to share your voice. xo Jena

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