This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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Think You Have To Suffer To Have The Body You Want?

“What are you, crazy? PLEASURE… as a way to slim down?!”

I hear that sometimes. And if someone is open, I tell them the truth.

Saying yes to doing what feels wonderful isn’t reckless. Designing your life around in your enjoyment isn’t crazy. Accepting all your desires as good, doable, and sacred isn’t misguided. 

In fact, it’s quite the opposite. What’s crazy is how women have been convinced that denying, restricting, discipline and punishing is the way to get what we want.

That’s why I’d like to bust out some science here. Science has proven that restricting, depriving, counting calories and being hyper-vigilant around food and eating put us into a stress state. It’s known as “fight or flight.”

And when that happens, your body makes more cortisol and releases more insulin.  And that insulin “tells” your body not to use fat as a source of energy. Instead, it says “hold onto that fat. We may need it later.”

So the more you stress your body out, the more you create a biochemical soup inside yourself that packs on the pounds. Which is why the traditional way most of us were taught to slim down is recklessly misguided.

But you know what puts an end your body’s stress state?

Enjoying yourself. Making love to every morsel of food that passes your lips. Gliding through your day like a woman who OWNS and genuinely caters to her smallest desires, hopes, inklings and curiosities.

A.K.A. Tending To Your Pleasure. 

Let’s be clear: I haven’t taught hundreds of women to tap into their pleasure simply because it’s more fun than getting on a treadmill (even though it is).

I show women how to tap into their pleasure because it gets them the results they are looking for–getting slim and fit, and feeling totally lit up by being a woman alive on the planet.

Here’s the falsehood: you must to punish, push, or restrict yourself in order to lose weight.

Here’s the outcome it gives you: A cycle that will never let you win. The more “up in your head” you get around eating, exercise and food… the more you monitor yourself… the harder it becomes for your body to slim down.

Here’s the solution: If stress makes your body hold onto weight, what’s the opposite? Relaxation, comfort, and being in deep connection with yourself.

It may sound crazy at first, but living your life in this way will actually help you slim down over time. And for good. I realize that stepping into living this way may feel like a distant goal. But it’s closer than you think–and it would be my honor to show you the way.

With love,



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