This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

What Your Mama Never Told You About Dancing

I’m just back from Pleasure Camp SF and wanted to share one of the highlights with you–our special guest, Samba dance teacher, Theresa Stevens.

Theresa is an expert in “losing weight by dancing,” who lives by the philosophy that a woman’s “pleasure center” is in her hips.

She teaches how to use “the delicious art of shaking your hips and booty” to tap into the natural wellspring of creativity, pleasure, sensuality and power, innately within your female body.

Once that tap is turned on, says Theresa, you are reminded you that ANYTHING is possible, including slimming down in a pleasurable, sustainable way.

Since you weren’t able to be at Pleasure Camp SF, and because I’d love you to be impacted by Theresa’s inspirational teachings nonetheless, I wanted to introduce you to her inspirational and educational video sharing her top 3 secrets on how pleasure and happiness can help you dance with confidence and joy, love your body, and lose weight in the process.

Theresa’s been getting the feedback from her community that watching this free 23 minute video alone has caused them to feel more beautiful, sexy and alive, and I believe her. I was riveted when I saw this video and you will be too.

With love,
xo Jena

P.S. Theresa was telling me that studies in Jamaica have documented that confident dancers attract the best romantic partners. It turns out that dancing makes you very attractive to other people! Fancy that! What a sexy and satisfying side-benefit 🙂
Click here for the full story

P.P.S. If you want to know:
— How to fire up your “pleasure center” through dance by learning how to shake your hips and booty
— How dance helps you love and appreciate your body, your curves, and your unique beauty
— How the unique brain-chemistry of pleasure works and how to use it to your advantage to get the results you want
…then you will LOVE this video!

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