This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

What’s Really Missing if You’re Trying to Slim Down

I’m in Australia at the moment, the land of my birth, connecting with family and friends and enjoying simple pleasures.

I use the word “simple” intentionally because often pleasure conjures up the vision of indulgence, and “fancy,” expensive things, while it doesn’t have to be that way at all.

Sure there’s pleasure in luxury, but it’s not required.

The thing is, if you’re really starved for pleasure, your body will find a way to get some, and that way will often be, you guessed it, food! Too much food. Or the types of foods that drain you more than they energize you, and make you feel (and look) heavy.

Rather than focusing on what you have to cut out of your life, the pleasurable approach to slimming is all about adding in more of the healthy pleasures so that food takes its natural place, and that’s exactly what this week’s video is about.

Growing up in this culture, we all got the message loud and clear: that pleasure, fun, sensuality, etc, are not as important as “serious” things like achievement and accomplishment.

The thing with this is that while your mind may be on board with the value of pushing and striving, there’s another part of your being that craves nothing more than being in the moment, and experiencing life through the senses, just for the sake of it.

When that part is neglected and doesn’t get stage time in your life, whoa baby, can it start to wreak havoc! Real havoc. And frequently with food, and therefore with weight.

Fortunately the solution is neither complex nor complicated, rather it’s simple and innocent. And that’s the topic of this week’s video, where you’ll see examples of this philosophy in action.

Lastly leave me a comment with the ideas this video stimulates for you.

xo Jena

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving! Delight all of your senses!

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  1. Hi Jena, just watched the video and I agree– more fun would really help me. What do you do though if you’re completely stuck in a life you don’t like? I wouldn’t even know where to start to be honest. It feels like i’m living a lie and of course, it shows! My only pleasure today comes from a great meal with a good glass (or 2 or 3) of wine. I’ve settled in, but so has the extra weight…

  2. I totally agree! Thanks so much for sharing this vid! Of course, living in land-locked New Mexico I haven’t been to the beach in years. Hmmm…. Time for a road trip, methinks! Until then, the mountains & streams are equally amazing & very refreshing places for simple pleasures – especially with my dogs in tow! 🙂 <3<3<3

  3. Thanks, ladies 🙂 And Sipou, where you begin is realizing that fun is needed, then watering the desire, and ideas will grow from there…who in your life could be your companion is having more fun? Find an accomplice!
    And thanks Nichole and Anastasia. xo Jena

  4. Hi Jena-
    I loved your video and totally agree with your message. Let go of deprivation, immerse yourself in joy and the weight will fall off.
    BTW- I have the same bikini 🙂
    xo Michelle

  5. Jenna,

    I had a really interesting experience this weekend — I was really upset about a facet of my most intimate relationship and all I wanted was junk food.

    I started dreaming of all of my traditional “guilty pleasures” — the waffle window, a pizza, ice cream, a whole bag of candy, potato chips.

    I even got on my bike and went out to gather as many of those things as possible.

    And I got to the first place. And I was so upset. And my mind desperately wanted junk. But, my body said “No, thank you”. A very kind, gentle and authoritative no thank you.

    And I listened, I skipped Ben & Jerrys and went to the pizza place… where my mind said “We’re doing this – binge time!” but, body continued to say “No thank you”.

    My mind was so frustrated, but there was no denying that a binge was only going to make me feel worse. Much worse.

    It was really cool to have my body stick up for me like that.


  6. Hi @Rebecca, Your story sent shivers up my spine, especially the last line. Yes! Thanks so much for sharing. Brilliant. How’s your heart now?

    @Michelle, nice taste in bikinis 🙂 Always a delight to hear from you.

    @Judy, thank you, I had a great time indeed.

  7. Hi Jena,

    Thanks for the response.

    My heart continues to go up… and down… alas, moving forward is the best (only?) option.

    I’ve certainly felt the emotional stretching that you talked about in your video this week. Its kind of amazing how much you can develop your emotional capacity!


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