This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

Why your body is clinging onto weight, & how to let go and slim down

Although it’s now more politically correct to say release weight rather than lose weight, due to the negative connotation with the word “lose,” I still appreciate the term, crass though it may sound, for what it states in black and white–you’re going to lose something.

And while it’s really easy to lose money, lose track of time, or lose papers on a messy desk–at least it is for me–weight is one of those pernicious areas that defies the idea that losing something is easy. Weight’s got the bad reputation for being hard to shake.

To break that bad rep, and to show you how the act of slimming can actually be pleasurable, on this week’s video blog I emphasize the importance of going deeper into the matter to reveal what at first might not be obvious.

When you go deeper into appreciation of the idea that, yes, something will be lost, something will be left behind, the path of wanting to shed pounds becomes more dimensional than a calorie-counter can comprehend, and becomes about the whole of your being.

That’s why I call this the feminine strategies for weight loss, because like the proverbial Mother Earth–who includes all, and excludes none–this approach looks to take all the parts of you that are influencing whether you lose weight or not into consideration, creating a naturally holistic solution.

One thing I can promise you–the parts of yourself you‘ll discover on this journey of going deeper will give you needed clues on how to have a fantastic life and lose weight in the process.

I know you’ll enjoy this video on approaching slimming in a way that probes much further than skin deep.

Leave me a comment in the comment section below with what this idea stirs up for you.

xo Jena

P.S. If you’re in or around NYC next Wednesday, February 1 at 7pm, and you’d like a free ticket to my workshop called “The Permission Slip for Pleasurable Weight Loss,” then let me show you how.

This event will break down the steps for you, on both a practical and mindset level and catalyze, as the title suggests, permission to have what you want.

This event will fill to capacity so get your name on the list to nab your spot. If old habits have been holding you back, this powerful live event for women will give you permission to forge powerfully and pleasurably ahead. Click here to reserve your complementary seat.

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  1. This video was quite thought provoking. The first time I gained a bunch of weight it was definitely as protection because I had a bad experience with men and subconsciously wanted that layer of protection so I wouldn’t have to deal with the issue of men at all. (It really works – makes you invisible to men.)

    I do notice when I am losing weight and getting fit that suddenly all the things in my life I have been putting up with – a job that doesn’t fulfill me, etc., really start to bug me.

    Currently I am unemployed and even though I know losing the weight will make me more attractive to future employers, I’m also home alone worrying about the job hunt and finances which makes it hard to let go of the weight. There are a lot of days when my trip out to a neighborhood restaurant is my only point of human contact in a day, and I need that. Although I now recognize that Grandma’s comfort food wide egg noodles in cream of chicken soup really makes me bloated and not all that happy, it also carries with it Grandma’s love.

    It’s certainly clear to me that weight carries a lot of baggage that isn’t even food-related.

  2. At the part about the story behind I actually cried…. Even if I don’t know what I’m holding onto yet, somehow I know deep down that it’s true. Weight and my special relationship 🙂 with food are related with…….important stuff for me, I’ve know that all the time, somewhere in me. Now I’ll follow your advice, thanks ^^, about asking myself directly ‘why’, which story (ies), what purpose??!!!!

  3. Thanks, Betty and Isabelle, I’m glad this message went right to the core. Now give yourself some healthy pleasure today 🙂 xo J

  4. Wow, Jena! This is a profound revelation taught in such a beautiful way. You are so right that we, at some level, continue to find more pleasure in keeping our weight than we believe we will get when it is going or gone. It’s true for me…and your video has given me some amazing insight today. Thank you!

  5. Jena, it’s no accident your video found its way to me – I couldn’t even tell you how. I, too, am holding onto weight, guaranteed to protect me from men (or so I thought) all the while hating myself for accepting the consequences – what I’ve learned is that it lets me keep my eyes closed to the truth, which is that I don’t fully trust myself yet. In practicing ‘mindful eating,’ I’ve shed some weight, yet I know shifting my attitude and my environment really is going to be key. I’m ready to change my life and on board with doing it pleasurably. Thank you for coming into my life today.

  6. Thanks for sharing this, Jena. I’ve learned so much from you, and love the holistic approach to weight, and the way that pleasure helps women to love their bodies right now, to reshape their bodies (and lives)!

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