This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
Free 3 Part Video Training

Your Pleasure Makes You a Strong Woman

The myth has it that your pleasure makes you a woman who is selfish, superficial, and even a slacker.

But the myth has it wrong. Your pleasure makes you a strong woman.

This is because discovering what gives you pleasure, going out to get it, and allowing yourself to truly enjoy it, builds your power.

It builds your sense of self.
It builds your recognition of the unique and resilient flower that you are.
It builds your ability to conceive yourself as the Grand Creatrix of your reality.

And when you perceive yourself in this way, you are strong.

Your will, meaning your determination to translate your desire from your imagination into the real world, is heightened.

That’s why having the right relationship with your pleasure is the most effective catalyst for having a body you love, a life you love, and for simply loving yourself for who you are.

To show you how this works, I’m hosting a Free 3-Week Pleasurable Weight Loss Masterclass Program called “How to Love Your Body, Your Self & Your Life” happening over the next 3 Tuesdays — November 15th, November 22nd and November 29th.


In each week I’ll dive deeply into each of these topics, giving you tools and strategies that you can use immediately to feel a shift in your self-love, body confidence and satisfaction with your one precious life.

Click here to register and receive all the info you need to join these sessions. If you can’t join live, you’ll receive the recordings afterwards so you can still participate.

I hope to “see” you there,

Love always,
Jena la Flamme

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