This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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A Recipe for Slimming: 1 Tbsp. of Breath + 2 Cups Sensations

Today, I am giving you the skinny on a little recipe-for-slimming that you can enjoy in any place, at any time.

I confess, when I first experienced this slimming recipe… I immediately felt how powerful it was.

After incorporating it into my life for a while,
my stress starting dwindling,
my happiness started growing…
and my pantss started getting looser!

This is why I want to share this “recipe” with you today…
because I know for a fact that it will help you slim down – and, it will help you feel good.

Come on girl, let’s grab our measuring cups (wink) and explore how this simple 2-part recipe can work to produce a more slim and svelte you.

1 Tbsp. of… Breath!

Wherever you are, and whatever you’re doing, I invite you to stop in the midst of it – and take a deeeeep breath. (Preferably, with your eyes closed.)

Whenever you mindfully take in a luxurious, deep breath,
you can focus your attention inwards, and notice exactly how you are feeling.

Connecting to our feelings, in addition to the deep breath itself, is inherently embodying and relaxing – and whatever is embodying and relaxing, enhances our metabolisms.

Enhances my Metabolism? Tell me more!

Deep breathing, relaxation and embodiment enhance your metabolism because they trigger the physiological mode I fondly refer to as the “pleasure chemistry.”

This “pleasure chemistry” is really important, because it is where your body metabolizes fat, burns calories and digests at it’s maximum capacity. I know it sounds backwards to all we’ve been trained to think, but it’s scientifically true.

Also, this mode causes your body to produce a mighty combination of chemicals that balance your hunger and keep you from overeating.

Not too shabby, eh?

So remember, dear one: the relaxation mode is simply a pleasure-induced state –
and deep breathing is one of the most powerful ways to feel oodles of pleasure, and thereby shift your metabolism into weight loss gear.

2 Cups Sensations

Ok, here’s a funky new idea for ya: Sensation without Conversation.

Sensation without Conversation is the art of welcoming any experience of the body into your awareness – without judgment or action. It means that throughout your day, you simply feel what you are feeling… without verbally talking in your head about it.

Often, as we walk down the street, the office or our homes,
we have this (rather humorous) rambling dialogue going on within our own heads:
“Oh wow, I feel happy and fresh this morning!” or
“Gahhhh, that really stank, I feel sad and I hate feeling sad darnit,” or
“Ooh-la-la, I like what the pedicurist is doing right now!”
and amidst all that internal self-talking, we forget to actually feel what all that feels like in your body!

Here’s the thing:
Every feeling, good or bad, produces a corresponding sensation,
and sensations exist in different places in our bodies.

When we start to freely feel all the sensations that happen in our bodies, without mentally describing them like a newscaster, the energy moves in a different (much freer!) way.

This free energy becomes available for you to connect your awareness to the wise, pro-slimming messages your body, freely and naturally, provides.

My Body Provides What?

Your organic, female body is like a smart, highly-evolved animal who sends you messages about what to eat, how to exercise and when to do all these things… in order to achieve her ideal size!

That’s because your body wants to be slim just as much as you do.

Sensation without Conversation rocks, because it will embody you, and connect you to her (your body’s) slimming guidance!

This little action also gets you to take a step back – to not verbalize what you are experiencing, and to simply, courageously live it.

By getting us to be present in our feelings, this “ingredient” embodies us, or connects us to our beautiful bodies, and the wisdom therein.

Honey, by combining the two ingredients in this “recipe,” deep breathing and Sensation without Conversation, you and your  body will be well on your way to a friendly, deeply connected (and pleasurable!) dance towards your perfect weight.

Here are my questions for you today:

  1. Can you remember the last time when you were talking in your head about a bodily feeling/sensation?
  2. How can you see yourself using this slimming “breathing and sensing” recipe in your on a daily basis in your life?

I can’t wait to see your insight shining on the comments below.

Inhaling deeply, and sensing your growth,

xo Jena

P.S. Registration has just opened for Pleasure Camp NYC from November 31st – December 2nd!
Tickets have just gone on sale at an early-bird price and you can reserve yours here.

We’ll be digging into weight loss in a way that most other women have not yet done before, all in a warm, sisterly ambiance.
Together, we’ll get intimately acquainted with the science behind the pleasurable approach, and how to use it to reach your goals.
You have the opportunity to slim down once and for all without punishing yourself … and to gain much more pleasure and satisfaction in your life–which you so deserve.
Pleasure Camp NYC is everything you never expected, and more.
Tickets have just gone on sale at an early-bird price. Click here to learn more and register.



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  1. Dear Jena, thanks for your insights!
    I especially love how you explained the link between the “relaxation-mode” and how it can enhance your body chemistry and ultimately boost your metabolism. It made me think to how many times I eat in a rush, in front of the computer, or standing/walking somewhere. I never realized the connection that this could have with metabolism. I will definitely commit to stop and breathe and enjoy what I am eating, even when this implies waiting a bit longer, and possibly some effort in creating the space and time. Much love to you and all the other people reading here.

    • Dearest Clara,
      Bravo! Yes, the wait is well worth it, especially when losing weight 😉
      Slow down, enjoy it and keep breathing.
      I’m here for you!

  2. hi jena,

    a big THANK You, for all you offer. It is simply wonderful and very true….
    Being a Yogateacher, nutrition and WorkLifeBalance- Coach, I constantly talk about
    the very much needed inner Balance and how to get there.
    Your approach is absolutely right and well presented. ThanksThanksThanks….. -:)#

    Do you feel, men can work with the same approach?
    I will be teaching a health day for a group of businessmen in October and might be able to integrate some of your thoughts here…..

    And…. it might be a good idea to think about a “Yoga meets Indulging in food Pleasure” or something in this spirit, how do you feel about it?

    Thanks again,
    big Hug from Germany


  3. Oh goodness, I need to remember to breathe like crazy. It often feels like there is a straw serving as my airway, so I’m working on that. Some weeks it’s great, some weeks I feel like I’m grasping for the breath that I am inhibiting myself.

    Work. in. progress. Getting there though 🙂

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