This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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How Lightening Up Can Help You Slim Down

Heaviness: A Deeper Meaning

If there is something crucially important I’ve learned through all my years as a pleasurable weight loss coach, it is this:

Heaviness, or being overweight, is a more profound condition than it appears to be.

Many mainstream diet industry folks would have you believe that external conditions are the root causes of heaviness (i.e. a faulty diet, inadequate exercise and “improper” body functioning).

But the real roots of heaviness lie far deeper than these external factors…

They come from your inner world.

Physical heavinessoften points clearly, and undeniably, to major emotional heaviness!

Whoa… Physical and Emotional Heaviness Are Connected?

Yes, madam! They sure are.

Heaviness, or extra pounds, are usually a physical indicator of an emotional heaviness that exists somewhere in your life.

The link between your physical and emotional life is tremendously powerful. So much so, that it would be monumentally beneficial for your weight shedding if you released the people, things, places and situations that emotionally (and therefore, physically!) are weighing you down.

Darling, anything that weighs you down makes you feel… yucky.






Do you see where I’m going with this?

Slimming down *permanently* is about more than just dropping the extra pounds –

It’s about releasing the burdens and the baggage, that “weigh” your heart and mind (and physiology) down!

Dear sister, to lighten up your figure, you’ve got to lighten up your life.

How Lightening Up Works

Your female body is an intelligent, deeply perceptive and exquisitely sensitive creature.

When “she,” your body, perceives that you are emotionally stressed or mentally burdened by a person, place, situation, etc., she will instinctively pack on the pounds, as a primitive act of self-protection.

This is because your body’sevolutionary job is to make sure you survive, thrive andexperience pleasure!

Pleasure is not just for the birds, my dear.

Pleasure helps your body relax.

Relaxing cues your body’s “slimming” physiological functions. Some of these are…

  • managing your weight
  • assuaging your appetite
  • balancing your cravings
  • burning your extra fat

You already have an entire “slim down!” metabolism, right under your nose. It is activated by the kick-butt act of lightening up! Lightening up your life will bring your body, mind and spirit tremendous pleasure!

By the way, isn’t it crazy to realize our culture teaches women that it’s admirable to weigh herself down with other’s problems, other’s workloads, other’s care?

Meanwhile, if a woman wants to succeed at slimming down (and oh, I dunno, be happy), she’s got to go against the grain and do exactly the opposite: she’s got to lighten up on all the obligations and burdens, and brazenly reach for her OWN pleasure – first and foremost!

Which is actually good news, both for you and the evolution of our culture.

Your Guide to Lightening Up (and Slimming Down)

Your lightening up may not happen in an instant, after you finish reading this blog.

After all, it’s likely taken you quite a few years to build up all the extra emotional and physical heaviness you are bearing within.

However, luckily, it can take a lot less time for you to releaseyour heaviness and lighten up your life and your body.

This is because you have the support of a pleasurable weight loss community.

You have a rockin’ guide (wink, wink).

And you have your built-in body wisdom.

Sister, you have these 3 allies your side, cheering you on as you lighten up your life! You can do it!

As a fourth ally, here’s a “lightening up” questionnaire, for you to take a bite of in the comments below.

1. What areas of your life are really heavy, burdensome and weighingyoudown? (You can share as much, or as little, as you desire.)

2. In what ways can you begin to lighten up, and consequently, slim down?
(E.g. Release a relationship that does not expand your joy,
gradually let go of a business project that you are not
truly excited about,
shed an exercise regime that doesn’t light you up,
drop the “lone ranger” approach and ask for help with a personal desire, etc.)

I’m looking forward to your wondrous feedback. Every facet of your story is welcome here on this pleasurable, en-lightening, path to slimming.

Seeing the Light in You,

xo Jena

P.S. If you’d like to learn how to lighten up your life, and amplify your body’s fat-burning chemistry, I’d love for you to give Pleasure Camp NYC a try.

This hands-on, experiential retreat is designed to teach you real, practical and uniquely feminine tools that will enable you to release the extra heaviness that’s been bogging you down… for good.

Pleasure Camp NYC is a brief but mighty retreat happening November 30 – December 2. It will make a profound impact on every aspect of your entire life – especially your relationship with your body, food and weight.

In addition to enjoying heart-to-heart time with me and a supportive community of like-minded women, you will gain much more pleasure and satisfaction in your life, and appreciation of how to sculpt and slim your body without punishment.

Tickets have just gone on sale at an early-bird price. Click here to learn more and register.




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  1. Oh what wonderful timing this post is.

    On September 1, I released two years of an emotionally and physically draining living situation which kept me in a high anxiety state from the moment I rose in the morning to the moment I went to bed. I moved into a new place with a dear friend and old roommate who was in a similarly bad situation and for the first time in years I do not have anxiety to go home…in fact, for the first time I AM going home.

    I have yet to see how this will affect my weight, but I believe it will be a positive change in my body now that my mind is no longer keen on hiding me from my surroundings.

    The relief is immeasurable and I am thrilled to see how my animal responds to her new surroundings.

    Thanks, Jena, for your wisdom

  2. I love this post! I am lightening up on my “to-do” list. I tend to create this lists that put me in front of the computer rather than out in the world when I am lightest around real, live people. I suppose I need to wrap up this comment, so I can get a move on this. 🙂

  3. 1.
    I’m having a really really hard time letting go of my ex. She was my first love, I still love her, and I’m struggling to go forward.
    I miss self-confidence.

    2. In what ways can you begin to lighten up, and consequently, slim down?
    I know I should let go of my ex, it will be better for me.

    • Letting go of love is hard. Perhaps telling yourself over and over that you have to “let go” is not the best for you. Accept that love into your heart and allow it to lift you up and give you that self-confidence that is there inside you. Love yourself

  4. Oh, Jena, wonder words as always.

    We have too much stuff. And when I mean “stuff,” I mean stuff. Old papers, broken toys, half-finished puzzle books, ancient motherboards, just stuff cluttering our basement and our home. I’ve been working for weeks to rid our self of this baggage, and I finally made a break-through–the laundry room is free and clear of our stuff!

    One room down, only thirteen more to go.

    I don’t know if I need to ask for help with the de-cluttering right now–in fact, working through that task on a daily basis is almost meditative for me. If anything, I need to find a way to clear some of my time. I’ve tried, Lord knows, but the fact remains that I am constantly pulled in many directions by the varying demands on my time. I’ve been practicing saying “no” to the things that I truly don’t want to do and so far, nothing catastrophic has happened. The worst response I’ve received is, “Are you sure?” Yes, I am sure that I do not want to abandon a lifelong goal in order to work on a night that I’ve already made absolutely clear that I am not free.

    How do you feel after Burning Man? Is it worth the trip?

  5. I think my comments just got sent before I was ready! Anyway, my one wonderful boss agreed make some schedule changes that now allow me to concentrate more on the other job which is the “real me” and involves music–performance and teaching! I want to encourage all of you who may feel weighed down by some issue in your life, to take the plunge and make a change that gives you more pleasure and feeds your soul. Yes, it’s scary at first, but miracles happen when we step up to the plate and care for ourselves lovingly. I am feeling a million pounds lighter mentally and emotionally, and know that will show up soon in a lighter me, along with the body changes already seen since I began working with Jena. You can do it!

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