This Secret to Losing Weight is so
Counter Intuitive it's Going to Astonish You
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The 3 Most Overlooked Weight Loss Mistakes & Their Surprising Antidotes

Grab your pen and paper, and get ready to jot down the 3 most overlooked weight loss mistakes that can ruin your slimming progress and keep your permanently frustrated with your body.

These are not your average weight loss mistakes… since pleasurable weight loss is not your average weight loss program!

These mistakes are very subtle and deeply rooted. They are sneaky little stinkers that are usually overlooked because they are patterns of behavior that have been woven into our daily life by our culture. (Eeeek!)

Here’s some good news though: These weight loss no-no’s shall fool you no more!

Weight Loss Mistake #1: Thinking Too Much

Thinking is not inherently bad (in fact, brain power rocks), but excessive mental preoccupation with anything, especially weight loss, is not conducive to slimming down.

Thing is, we live in a society that places thinking as its centerpiece. We are encouraged to use our thought process to figure everything out; and to produce more, at an increasingly faster pace.

When you’re stuck thinking in your head, you can’t feel the wisdom of your body, listen to its messages, or relish the pleasure of eating. Feeling, listening and enjoyment are part of the pleasurable weight loss recipe, and too much thinking yanks them away from our experience.

The Antidote: Be in your body, especially while you eat. Learn to be present with your body sensations through yoga. Experience the vast range of feelings your body is capable of through booty-shaking, rock-climbing, or skinny-dipping. Release excess thinking gradually, with whatever makes your body feel good.

Weight Loss Mistake #2: Long-Term Stress

Long-term stress is a massive weight loss no-no, because an excess of worry-related feelings produce the physiological “stress or survival state” in the body.

The stress state reroutes the energy your body could be using to digest, metabolize fat and communicate its wisdom to you, to protecting itself with extra weight. In this state your body literally produces a cocktail of chemicals that tell your body to pack on the pounds.

In our culture that insists on promoting feelings of worry, anxiety and stress, this mistake runs deep. (All you have to do is turn on the news to notice how our culture is all about producing, and prolonging, stress, worry and anxiety–it’s bananas!)

The Antidote: Gently start to become aware of what you talk about… what you think about… and what you watch in the media. Shift into becoming a guerrilla warrior for your weight loss biochemistry and for your pleasure.

Weight Loss Mistake #3: Doing Things TO Your Body, As Though it Were An Object

Society teaches us we need to restrict our diets, force our bodies into an ideal shape and engage in an unpleasant workout regime, in order to reach our weight loss goals.

We’re encouraged to have a really mean monologue with your body: tell it what to do, when, and how, since it’s something to defeat, dominate and overcome. (Ouch! Just writing that hurts.)

In reality, your body is not an object to do things to, to abuse or to restrict.
It is a radiant, living, intelligent organism that is part of YOU!

You are are in your body. You are with your body.
There is no separation.

Your body talks to you with an all-over wisdom, wisdom that comes as sensations from different places, not just the head… which is really such a tiny part of the body!

Your female body wants to dialogue with you; “she” wants to be slim and at “her” ideal weight, just as much as you do.

The Antidote: Listen to your body’s voice; let “her” contribute to the conversation with your mind, “What’s for lunch? What type of exercise are we going to do? When are we going to bed?” and “girl, when are we having sex?” Go for the dialogue: team up with your body, your female animal.

There you have it: doing things hand-in-hand with your body, releasing excess stress and truly embodying your body, are the powerful antidotes to avoiding the top 3 weight loss mistakes of: 1. Thinking too much, 2. Long-term stressin’, and 3. Treating your body like an object.

Does this make sense to you, my dear?
Are you beginning to realize ways in which you may have been overlooking these sneaky weight loss mistakes?

Thing is, these aren’t only weight loss mistakes – these are habits that take away from the quality of your life.

I’m here to support you to powerfully, gradually and consistently endeavor let go of these mistakes to pleasurably reveal the hot, svelte body that awaits you.

I’ll see you in the comments below, where I want to know the following:

  1. Which of these weight loss no-nos is most holding you back?
  2. Which of these pleasure-centric antidotes can you commit to implementing?

With love,
xo Jena

P.S. Wanna know what’ll really bring me oodles of pleasure? Click over and take a peek.

I’ve created a 3-minute small (but mighty) survey, geared towards getting to know the innermost, juiciest parts of you.

(If it takes you longer than 3 minutes, I need you to tell me, ASAP.)

The Upside: If you fill out the survey, you get a free group Q & A coaching session. You’ll receive the secret link, and a recording of the call, all by filling out the 3-minute survey.

P.P.S. I promise to answer every nitty, gritty “let’s get real here” question you have about your personal experience with weight loss, and address your every concern… even if you feel it’s weird, embarrassing or awkward. I happen to LOVE the parts of my clients that they feel are the most weird, embarrassing or awkward – so bring it on, Pleasurista, email me with your questions!




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  1. Hallo Jena,

    I think that my mistakes are: THINKING TOO MUCH AND LONG-TERM STRESS.
    Maybe, I can commit all these pleasure centric antidotes, step by step,….

    Thank you very much!
    Have a happy evening!

  2. Hi Jena,
    Great blog! I can really relate to treating my body like an object, pushing it around, punishing it, subjecting it to all sorts of weird weight loss gimmicks over the years. We can be so cruel to ourselves and not even realise it. Thankyou for articulating that disconnect so well.


  3. Ioana,
    Yes! That’s the ticket…take it slow and take each step one at a time, for as long as you need.
    I’m here for you girl!

  4. Helpful as ever, Jena! Thanks. I’d say that the first one is my greatest challenge…overthinking. I’ve had a good deal of success with losing weight and keeping it off, but I have the last 15 or 20 pounds I’d like to lose that won’t come off, or at least won’t stay off. And I’m constantly thinking about that b/c it’s so frustrating. I got 10 pounds off a few years ago w/ doing Weight Watchers, which I’d lost a lot of weight on at one point, but I’m always starving and unhappy when I do that, and the weight came back in a year or so. I vowed not to do it that way anymore. I’ve been helped a LOT by Geneen Roth’s books and I’ve overcome emotional eating and binge eating…but there’s still a missing piece that’s keeping that last chunk of weight on…

    • Hi Anne,
      Thanks so much for your comment. I feel you honey! Those last pounds can definitely be the hardest. Its so difficult not to stay lost in those negative thoughts when they seem so powerful, but I know you can do it. I’m here for you anytime, and please let me know if you’d like to set up a one on one coaching session with me to delve into this further. I know I can help you get over the hurdle and chase those thoughts away.

      With love and support,

  5. I’d have to agree with some of the other beautiful Goddesses here: over-thinking.

    My mind can either be a field of peonies cradling me and moving me forward, or it can be a bare landscape with land mines hidden in specks of dirt. When it’s filled with land mines, it’s all I can do not to be demolished by one rapid-fire thought after another. It’s all I can do not to be consumed by the a of destruction and worry.

    However, what I’ve learned slowly but surely (and Jena, with your help) is that even in that haze of destruction and hopelessness, the peonies are still sending off a beautiful and intoxicating scent. And if I take a moment to stop stepping on land mines and find my anchor, my animal, my body, I can actually smell them.

    I experimented with my anxiety yesterday and going into my body instead. I am at a place where I have been gently consuming less, and my mind started sprouting bombs screaming “you’re gonna f-ing lose it…you can’t do this….what if it doesn’t work?” (blah blah blah). SO, I sat with it. I felt it spread through my chest — a warm blanket of emotion — and then leak down into my stomach and further into my pelvis. There, it turned into an awakening of desire and hope. What I was really feeling was “what if I succeed in slimming down a bit and still don’t know how to open up? What if no one loves me? What if no one desires me?”…I was feeling the dark fear of bright hope. And you know what? The actual feelings in my body felt *good*; the warm blanket of uncertainty, the shivers of hope, the pulse of desire.

    A tangent, I know, but it’s so amazing to me each time I learn that I can trust my body.
    I am falling in love with her so much, and this awakening is definitely worth every single land mine.

    The peonies are far too beautiful not to go searching for them.

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